县级人大常委会建设的意义,1.3万字 19页包括开题报告,任务书,论文,文献综述,课题申报审批表,周进展记录表等完整毕业资料!摘要人民代表大会制度是我国的根本政治制度,体现着人民主权原则。县级以上各级人民代表大会设有常设机构—人大常委会。人大常委会是人民代表大会制度的一个组成部分,起核心作用。县级人大常委会作为我国人大常...

原文档由会员 黑子 发布
1.3万字 19页
关键词:县级 人大制度 人大常委会 政治意义
On the Significance of
strengthing the building of Standing Committee of
the People’s congress at county-Level
The People’s Congress system is the fundamental political system of China,it embodys the principle of the people's soverignty. the People’s Congress sets up it's often-institution—the Standing Committee of the people’s congress, at county-level and over county-level . The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress which plays a central role is an integral part of the People’s Congress system. the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level is the grass-roots organization of The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of china ,it is the inportant way that we want to accomplish the political democracy of china to sthengthen building of it. The significance of sthengthing the building of Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level is of benefit to perfect the People’s Congress system of china;develop the political democracy of our country;make the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level efficient work;give play to the normal supervisor of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level ;make the representative connections work of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level in a normal way;perfects the petition system of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level and safegurd social justice ;make people understood and implemented the connotation of the People’s representative.
Key words: County-level;People’s Congress system ;Plitical Significance;
The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress
中文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅲ
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………Ⅳ
引言 1
一、加强县级人大常委会建设的必要性 2
(一)县级人大常委会组成人员建设的必要性 2
1.优化县级人大常委会组成人员年龄结构的必要性 2
2.县级人大常委会组成人员专职化的必要性 2
3. 提高县级人大常委会组成人员文化水平的必要性 3
(二)加强县级人大常委会履行职责的必要性 3
1.强化县级人大常委会组成人员政治责任观念的必要性 3
2.强化县级人大常委会的监督功能的必要性 3
(三)完善县级人大常委会组织上的必要性 4
二、加强县级人大常委会建设的意义 5
(一)有利于推进人民代表大会制度的完善进程 5
(二)有利于我国政治民主的发展 6
(三)有利于县级人大常委会的高效运转 7
(四)有利于增强县级人大常委会的监督作用 8
(五)有利于县级人大常委会正常的代表联系工作 9
(六)有利于完善县级人大常委会的信访制度、维护社会正义 10
(七)有利于真正认识与落实“代表”内涵 11
结束语 13
参考文献: 14
致 谢 15
[13]常德党建网. 县级人大常委会组成人员设置存在的问题及对策[DB].
[14]邹平学. 中国代表制度改革的实证研究(上)[DB].
1.3万字 19页
关键词:县级 人大制度 人大常委会 政治意义
On the Significance of
strengthing the building of Standing Committee of
the People’s congress at county-Level
The People’s Congress system is the fundamental political system of China,it embodys the principle of the people's soverignty. the People’s Congress sets up it's often-institution—the Standing Committee of the people’s congress, at county-level and over county-level . The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress which plays a central role is an integral part of the People’s Congress system. the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level is the grass-roots organization of The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of china ,it is the inportant way that we want to accomplish the political democracy of china to sthengthen building of it. The significance of sthengthing the building of Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level is of benefit to perfect the People’s Congress system of china;develop the political democracy of our country;make the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level efficient work;give play to the normal supervisor of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level ;make the representative connections work of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level in a normal way;perfects the petition system of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress at county-level and safegurd social justice ;make people understood and implemented the connotation of the People’s representative.
Key words: County-level;People’s Congress system ;Plitical Significance;
The Standing Committee of the People’s Congress
中文摘要 ……………………………………………………………………Ⅲ
ABSTRACT …………………………………………………………………Ⅳ
引言 1
一、加强县级人大常委会建设的必要性 2
(一)县级人大常委会组成人员建设的必要性 2
1.优化县级人大常委会组成人员年龄结构的必要性 2
2.县级人大常委会组成人员专职化的必要性 2
3. 提高县级人大常委会组成人员文化水平的必要性 3
(二)加强县级人大常委会履行职责的必要性 3
1.强化县级人大常委会组成人员政治责任观念的必要性 3
2.强化县级人大常委会的监督功能的必要性 3
(三)完善县级人大常委会组织上的必要性 4
二、加强县级人大常委会建设的意义 5
(一)有利于推进人民代表大会制度的完善进程 5
(二)有利于我国政治民主的发展 6
(三)有利于县级人大常委会的高效运转 7
(四)有利于增强县级人大常委会的监督作用 8
(五)有利于县级人大常委会正常的代表联系工作 9
(六)有利于完善县级人大常委会的信访制度、维护社会正义 10
(七)有利于真正认识与落实“代表”内涵 11
结束语 13
参考文献: 14
致 谢 15
[13]常德党建网. 县级人大常委会组成人员设置存在的问题及对策[DB].
[14]邹平学. 中国代表制度改革的实证研究(上)[DB].