从教育平等权的角度对不同地区高考录取分数线有关问题的探讨,1万字包括开题报告,任务书,论文,文献综述,课题申报审批表,周进展记录表,中期检查表等完整毕业资料!摘 要我国自恢复高考以来实行的是分省统一录取制度,即面向全国招生的高校,依据各地区所分配的名额按分数从高到低录取。这种制度随着基础教育的快速发展和高等教育大众化的不...

原文档由会员 915 发布
摘 要
关键词 高考 录取分数线 教育权 录取制度改革
The college entrance examination different area admission grade line related question discusses —from education equal power angle
China's college entrance examination has been implemented since the restoration of the unity of the sub-taking system, that is, for the enrollment of institutions of higher learning, according to various regions of the quota allocated by taking scores of descending. Such a system of basic education with the rapid development and constantly promote the popularization of higher education, there have been some obvious inequality of the situation, such as the economically developed regions (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai), a few municipalities to be lower than the scores of some of the economic underdevelopment of the region; western region of the scores also significantly lower than the eastern and central regions; scores of minority students taking the line in different regions also reflect the different division. Province-taking system reflects to a large extent the right to education inequality, but also triggered a lot of problems, such as university entrance examination immigrants, and the lack of talent on the national education system have a negative impact, many scholars have put forth on the college entrance examination Admission system reform. We should focus on those suffering from controversial issues to conduct a comprehensive study, to seek reform of the method, the state should be gradual elimination of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and other places scores of tilt; gradually adjust the enrollment of college enrollment targets; gradually adjust the national enrolment College enrollment targets for rural candidates taking scores should be properly tilted
Keywords: College entrance examination ,Admission grade line , Education power , Enrollment system reform
目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
引言 1
一、我国高考录取分数线划分的现状 1
(一)录取分数线向部分发达地区倾斜 1
(二)录取分数线向西部经济、教育相对落后的地区倾斜 1
(三)少数民族考生的录取分数线在不同地区也体现出划分的不同 2
(四)农村和城市学生的录取比例失调 2
二、我国高考录取分数线划分产生的问题 3
(一)高考移民 3
(二) 不利于人才的培养 4
(三) 不利于社会经济的发展 4
(四) 对国家教育机制产生负面影响 5
三、我国高考录取分数线划分产生的原因 6
(一)地区差异导致高考录取分数线不同 6
(二)各省的招生计划 6
(三)与历史原因——科举制度有关 7
四、完善我国高考录取分数线划分的建议 7
(一)逐步消除对京、津、沪、等地分数线的倾斜现象 8
(二)逐步调整全国招生的高校招生指标 9
(三)划分大区实行分省录取制度 9
(四) 对农村考生的录取分数线应该适当倾斜 9
五、结论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
[1]张尚武. 对倾斜的高考录取分数线的再思考[J].教育导刊 , 2007,(4).
[5]仰丙灿. 高等教育机会平等的法律保护[D].苏州大学 , 2006 .
[6]谢元态. 论教育公平与效率,推进我国教育大众化[J].高等农业教育 , 2001,(08) .
[13]李远贵. 论高等教育公平——对我国高等教育公平问题的认识和思考[J].西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2006,(03).
[14]杨东平,周金燕. 我国教育公平评价指标初探[J].教育研究 , 2003,(11).
[16]金生鈜.高等教育机会与正义原则[J].高等师范教育研究 , 2000,12(1).
[17]彭玉生,李江源. 接受高等教育机会不公的制度性因素分析[J].高教探索 , 2002,(01).
[18]褚宏启.关于教育公平的几个基本理论问题[J].中国教育学刊 , 2006,(12).
[19]王文杰.黄星星. 高等教育中的公平与效率关系[J].法制与社会 , 2006,(12).
摘 要
关键词 高考 录取分数线 教育权 录取制度改革
The college entrance examination different area admission grade line related question discusses —from education equal power angle
China's college entrance examination has been implemented since the restoration of the unity of the sub-taking system, that is, for the enrollment of institutions of higher learning, according to various regions of the quota allocated by taking scores of descending. Such a system of basic education with the rapid development and constantly promote the popularization of higher education, there have been some obvious inequality of the situation, such as the economically developed regions (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai), a few municipalities to be lower than the scores of some of the economic underdevelopment of the region; western region of the scores also significantly lower than the eastern and central regions; scores of minority students taking the line in different regions also reflect the different division. Province-taking system reflects to a large extent the right to education inequality, but also triggered a lot of problems, such as university entrance examination immigrants, and the lack of talent on the national education system have a negative impact, many scholars have put forth on the college entrance examination Admission system reform. We should focus on those suffering from controversial issues to conduct a comprehensive study, to seek reform of the method, the state should be gradual elimination of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and other places scores of tilt; gradually adjust the enrollment of college enrollment targets; gradually adjust the national enrolment College enrollment targets for rural candidates taking scores should be properly tilted
Keywords: College entrance examination ,Admission grade line , Education power , Enrollment system reform
目 录
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
引言 1
一、我国高考录取分数线划分的现状 1
(一)录取分数线向部分发达地区倾斜 1
(二)录取分数线向西部经济、教育相对落后的地区倾斜 1
(三)少数民族考生的录取分数线在不同地区也体现出划分的不同 2
(四)农村和城市学生的录取比例失调 2
二、我国高考录取分数线划分产生的问题 3
(一)高考移民 3
(二) 不利于人才的培养 4
(三) 不利于社会经济的发展 4
(四) 对国家教育机制产生负面影响 5
三、我国高考录取分数线划分产生的原因 6
(一)地区差异导致高考录取分数线不同 6
(二)各省的招生计划 6
(三)与历史原因——科举制度有关 7
四、完善我国高考录取分数线划分的建议 7
(一)逐步消除对京、津、沪、等地分数线的倾斜现象 8
(二)逐步调整全国招生的高校招生指标 9
(三)划分大区实行分省录取制度 9
(四) 对农村考生的录取分数线应该适当倾斜 9
五、结论 10
参考文献 11
致 谢 12
[1]张尚武. 对倾斜的高考录取分数线的再思考[J].教育导刊 , 2007,(4).
[5]仰丙灿. 高等教育机会平等的法律保护[D].苏州大学 , 2006 .
[6]谢元态. 论教育公平与效率,推进我国教育大众化[J].高等农业教育 , 2001,(08) .
[13]李远贵. 论高等教育公平——对我国高等教育公平问题的认识和思考[J].西华大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2006,(03).
[14]杨东平,周金燕. 我国教育公平评价指标初探[J].教育研究 , 2003,(11).
[16]金生鈜.高等教育机会与正义原则[J].高等师范教育研究 , 2000,12(1).
[17]彭玉生,李江源. 接受高等教育机会不公的制度性因素分析[J].高教探索 , 2002,(01).
[18]褚宏启.关于教育公平的几个基本理论问题[J].中国教育学刊 , 2006,(12).
[19]王文杰.黄星星. 高等教育中的公平与效率关系[J].法制与社会 , 2006,(12).