论精神障碍者的刑事责任能力,1万字包括开题报告,任务书,论文,文献综述,课题申报审批表,周进展记录表,中期检查表等完整毕业资料!摘 要影响行为刑事责任能力的因素主要有年龄因素和精神状态因素,精神障碍是影响刑事责任能力最为常见和最主要的因素之一,我国刑法第18条立法上确立了精神障碍人刑事责任能力的“三分法”,在生活中这类病...
原文档由会员 915 发布
摘 要
关键词:刑事责任能力 精神病 精神障碍
There are two primary factors can influence the ability of criminal obligation. One is the age, the other is the psychosis. but the psychological block (psychosis) is one of the most familiar and primary factors that influence the ability of criminal obligation .in domestic criminal law, the 18th legislation has established that the person who has psychosis take the rap which have three instances .in the daily life, it is usually happened that this kind of people actualize hurt action and need assess their ability of criminal obligation. In the judicature practice, we usually assess their ability of criminal obligation like this: judged by psychiatrist entirely, and then make a decision directly that the actor doesn’t have responsibilities. While the law officer or inquisitors also adopt the psychiatrist’s decision, in this way, it can’t make a scientific judge to mentally disordered person′ ability of criminal obligation. The psychological block is complexity and the concept of “psychosis” in the legislation has uncertainty and limited, it makes the area of criminal law, the area of law and psychiatry and the department of judicature practice have many issuable difficulty in assess mentally disordered person’s ability of criminal obligation.
Key words: Ability of criminal obligation; Psychosis; Psychological block.
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
引 言 1
一、刑事责任能力的界定 2
(一)刑事责任能力的界定 2
(二)刑事责任能力的构成要素 3
二、刑法中“精神病人”的范围及定义 4
(一)精神病人责任能力的历史演进 4
(二)从“精神病”到“精神障碍”的思考 4
1.“精神病”的概念 4
2.刑法中“精神病”的定义 5
三、精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定 7
(一)精神障碍者刑事责任能力的等级划分 7
(二)对精神障碍者刑事责任能力的判定标准 8
(三)精神障碍者的刑事责任能力 8
1.完全刑事责任能力的精神障碍者 9
2.限制刑事责任能力的精神障碍者 10
结 论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
[1] 高铭暄 主编.刑法学原理[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[2] 马克昌.犯罪通论[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2005.
[3] 赵秉志.刑法总论问题探索[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.
[4] 马克昌 主编.刑法学[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2003.
[5] 赵秉志.精神障碍与刑事责任问题研究(上)[J].云南大学学报法学版,2001,14(2).
[6] 赵秉志.精神障碍与刑事责任问题研究(下)[J].云南大学学报法学版,2001,14(3).
[7] 马克昌.责任能力比较研究[J].现代法学,2001,23(3).
[8] 刘艳红.无刑事责任能力精神病人的范围及认定[J].中南民族大学学报,2003,23(6).
[9] 侯国云 幺惠君.辨认控制能力不等于刑事责任能力[J].中国人民公安大学学报,2005,6.
[10] 胡泽卿.精神病人的刑事责任能力[J].法律与医学杂志,1998,5(3).
[11] 李多仁.精神病人刑事责任能力探究[J].中外法学,1994,8.
[12] 陈兴良.刑事责任能力研究[J].浙江社会科学,1999,6.
[13] 赵秉志 刘志伟.精神障碍者犯罪之刑事责任若干问题研究[J].山东公安专科学校学报.2001,5.
[14] 陈震宇.对精神障碍人刑事责任能力评定问题的再认识[J].贵州职业警官学院学报,2002,3(14).
[15] 张明楷.刑法学[M].法律出版社.2007,8.
[16] 冯军.刑事责任论[M].法律出版社.1996.
摘 要
关键词:刑事责任能力 精神病 精神障碍
There are two primary factors can influence the ability of criminal obligation. One is the age, the other is the psychosis. but the psychological block (psychosis) is one of the most familiar and primary factors that influence the ability of criminal obligation .in domestic criminal law, the 18th legislation has established that the person who has psychosis take the rap which have three instances .in the daily life, it is usually happened that this kind of people actualize hurt action and need assess their ability of criminal obligation. In the judicature practice, we usually assess their ability of criminal obligation like this: judged by psychiatrist entirely, and then make a decision directly that the actor doesn’t have responsibilities. While the law officer or inquisitors also adopt the psychiatrist’s decision, in this way, it can’t make a scientific judge to mentally disordered person′ ability of criminal obligation. The psychological block is complexity and the concept of “psychosis” in the legislation has uncertainty and limited, it makes the area of criminal law, the area of law and psychiatry and the department of judicature practice have many issuable difficulty in assess mentally disordered person’s ability of criminal obligation.
Key words: Ability of criminal obligation; Psychosis; Psychological block.
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
引 言 1
一、刑事责任能力的界定 2
(一)刑事责任能力的界定 2
(二)刑事责任能力的构成要素 3
二、刑法中“精神病人”的范围及定义 4
(一)精神病人责任能力的历史演进 4
(二)从“精神病”到“精神障碍”的思考 4
1.“精神病”的概念 4
2.刑法中“精神病”的定义 5
三、精神障碍者刑事责任能力评定 7
(一)精神障碍者刑事责任能力的等级划分 7
(二)对精神障碍者刑事责任能力的判定标准 8
(三)精神障碍者的刑事责任能力 8
1.完全刑事责任能力的精神障碍者 9
2.限制刑事责任能力的精神障碍者 10
结 论 12
参考文献 13
致 谢 14
[1] 高铭暄 主编.刑法学原理[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2005.
[2] 马克昌.犯罪通论[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2005.
[3] 赵秉志.刑法总论问题探索[M].北京:法律出版社,2003.
[4] 马克昌 主编.刑法学[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2003.
[5] 赵秉志.精神障碍与刑事责任问题研究(上)[J].云南大学学报法学版,2001,14(2).
[6] 赵秉志.精神障碍与刑事责任问题研究(下)[J].云南大学学报法学版,2001,14(3).
[7] 马克昌.责任能力比较研究[J].现代法学,2001,23(3).
[8] 刘艳红.无刑事责任能力精神病人的范围及认定[J].中南民族大学学报,2003,23(6).
[9] 侯国云 幺惠君.辨认控制能力不等于刑事责任能力[J].中国人民公安大学学报,2005,6.
[10] 胡泽卿.精神病人的刑事责任能力[J].法律与医学杂志,1998,5(3).
[11] 李多仁.精神病人刑事责任能力探究[J].中外法学,1994,8.
[12] 陈兴良.刑事责任能力研究[J].浙江社会科学,1999,6.
[13] 赵秉志 刘志伟.精神障碍者犯罪之刑事责任若干问题研究[J].山东公安专科学校学报.2001,5.
[14] 陈震宇.对精神障碍人刑事责任能力评定问题的再认识[J].贵州职业警官学院学报,2002,3(14).
[15] 张明楷.刑法学[M].法律出版社.2007,8.
[16] 冯军.刑事责任论[M].法律出版社.1996.