

论刑法的因果关系,1万多字包括开题报告,任务书,封面,完整论文,文献综述,课题申报审批表,周进展记录表,中期检查表等整套毕业资料,内容完整,推荐下载!目录摘要Ⅱabstract Ⅲ引言 1一、我国刑法因果关系概述1(一)因果关系的定义1(二)因果关系的特点2(三)因果关系的研究价值 3二、刑法因果关系的研究现状及评论 3...
分类: 论文>法学论文



原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布



目 录
摘 要………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅱ
Abstract………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅲ
引 言……………………………………………………………………………………… 1
(三)因果关系的研究价值…………………………………………………………… 3二、刑法因果关系的研究现状及评论…………………………………………… 3
参考文献………………………………………………………………………………… 11
致 谢………………………………………………………………………………………12

摘 要


关键词:因果关系 英美法系 抗辩制度

On the causal link between the criminal law
Penal causal link between the criminal law theory has always been an important issue, but also on Diechu a new problem in the study of China's Criminal Law, Criminal Law on Chinese and foreign scholars in the causal link between the process of research, published numerous books and papers, This is also a certain extent, resolved the causal link between the criminal law many of the problems, but so far, the causal link between the criminal law did not stop the disputes, there is the history of occasional causal relationship between cause and effect relationship that is bound with that dispute, and now high The probability that the conditions that the causal link between the facts and the law of cause and effect of that distinction, the emergence of these views that the criminal law of cause and effect relationship is deepening, as we further study a broad vision, but also gave us a not Gexuesaoyang - Zhuabu Dao is, is the only question is not how to solve the problem of shallow taste Zhe only the impression that criminal law as an application of science and hermeneutics, the argument should be the starting point of solving practical problems, as the Criminal Law Causal link between the important issue of the Penal Code, of course, is no exception, however, from China's current research on this issue, the situation does not seem to be the case. The United States Criminal Code and the causal relationship between the content and structure of significant differences exist in China, the United States in the establishment of the Criminal Code causal relationship on the basis of case law, the level of clarity, rules, system integrity. Although there are currently out of "inevitability" and "chance" of the plight of controversial calls, but the level of teaching and still follow the original theory. Therefore, it is necessary causal link between the theory of China's re-thinking and build a new Criminal Code causal link between the theory. In this paper, follow China's scholars in the door on the causal link between the traces of foreign parties advanced theories, from a comparative point of view, found the problem, expounded China's Criminal causal link between the inadequacy of the study and proposed re-build their own point Comments and suggestions.
Keywords: Causal relationship;Common law;Defence system

