

分类: 论文>法学论文



原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布


1.1万字 19页


摘要 II
Abstract III
引言 1
一、西方历史上关于刑罚目的的学说 1
(一)绝对主义 1
1.狭义的报应主义 1
2.赎罪主义 2
(二)相对主义 2
1.一般预防主义 2
2.特别预防主义 3
3.双面预防主义 4
(三)折中主义 5
二、我国关于刑罚目的的学说 5
三、对刑罚目的观点的评析 6
(一)特殊预防与一般预防 6
(二)一般预防与特殊预防的关系是对立统一的 7
四、刑罚目的的价值与现实意义 8
(一)刑罚的价值 8
1.刑罚目的制约着刑罚的制定 8
2.刑罚目的决定着刑罚的适用 8
3.刑罚目的指导着刑罚的执行 8
(二)刑罚目的研究在我国的现实意义 9
1.宽严相济刑事政策的涵义 9
2.在和谐社会发展前提下宽严相济的刑事政策的具体贯彻措施 10
结束语 12
参考文献 13
致谢词 14

关键词:一般预防 , 特殊预防 , 宽严相济


Penalty is used against the ruling class as a means of crime. Marx noted: "penalties for violation of no more than it is to deal with the living conditions (whether this is what conditions) of a self-defense means." Foreseeable criminal penalty is the prerequisite conditions, the penalty is the legal consequences of crime, that is, penalties Along with not only a crime arising, and will eventually be accompanied by the elimination and eradication of crime. Then, one of the purposes of punishment is to punish crime, but this has been reflected in China's history of the Penal Code. With the constant changes in society and development especially in the promotion of a harmonious society of socialism in China today, the simple purpose to punish for the purpose of punishment is no longer meet the requirements of the development of a harmonious society, the purpose of penalties should also be as society The development of ever-changing. In the reality of people's words and deeds, are suffering from their own purposes to the guide, could not exist without purpose of the act, a social development, application and enforcement of penalties must also have the purpose of the guide. As for criminal law and the implementation of the law and the fundamental protection of the penalty, the clear purpose of more practical significance. Harmonious society advocated people-oriented, the corresponding penalty in the judicial process in the light of the increasing degree, non-penalty has become a trend. The purpose of the penalty nature of the restrictions, penalties may progress toward the development of the times, if there are other ways to reduce the incidence of crime, would not have to take the penalty for this suffering, this is to create a harmonious society. Therefore, the sentence does not require a crime, could be considered exempted from punishment, penalty in the need to use the circumstances, we must first consider the needs of penalties purpose, namely, the social security role, followed by consideration the requirements of retribution, the standard limit to retribution The level of penalty to achieve substantial sentence, Qingxing harmony to meet the objective of the humanities.
At home and abroad on penalties purpose of the doctrine could not be there are many choices, so this paper, these factions were carried out to shallow analysis, and mainly through the current stage of China's economic Kuanyan of the criminal policies of the current assessment of the requirements of a harmonious society by their own Some immature view.

Keywords :general prevention , special prevention , Jeju of Kuanyan

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