
原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
引言 1
一、我国现行仲裁受案范围的立法规定述评 1
(一)我国现行仲裁受案范围立法规定综述 1
(二)我国现行仲裁受案范围立法规定评析 2
1.规定不明确 2
2.规定的范围太窄 2
二 、仲裁受案范围的确定标准 2
(一)影响仲裁受案范围确定的因素 2
1.仲裁机构的民间性 3
2.仲裁自身的优势 3
(二)确定仲裁受案范围的具体考量因素 4
1.纠纷主体的平等性 4
2.争议的可争讼性 4
3.民事纠纷的可处分性 4
三 、我国仲裁受案范围的完善 5
(一)扩大仲裁受案范围的必要性 5
1.有利于我国仲裁事业的发展 5
2.有利于减轻法院的诉讼压力 6
3.扩大仲裁的受案范围有利于整个社会的诚信建设 6
(二)完善仲裁受案范围的具体方案 7
1.明确现行法律规定 7
2.将更多知识产权纠纷纳入仲裁 7
3.增加有关专业纠纷的仲裁 8
结语 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
关键词:仲裁 受案范围 扩大 完善
With the development of socio-economic, arbitration as another way to solve the dispute among the people is accepted. Particularly, arbitration is playing an important role in solving economic disputes. However, according to the present state of our country, arbitration is not enough ripe and perfect. Such as , the laws don’t clearly definite the scope of the arbitration and only apply in the narrow scope .On the latest Arbitration Law in 1995,the contract dispute is relatively clear , but the "other property rights disputes" does not clearly defined in the legislation and has an Uniform judicial interpretation . Which has negative influence on the development of our country’s arbitration and its regulations, so we should perfect the scope of Arbitration urgently? This paper I find out the lack of the scope of on China's current arbitration and give some advice on improving it. In my opinion, the scope of Arbitration has some issue should be perfected urgently. First, should increase the intellectual property rights and trademark rights in arbitration; followed by an increase in the professional disputes in arbitration; in addition, the relevant legal provisions should be even more define.
Keywords: Arbitration ;The scope of the case ; Expand ;Perfect
[4] 张艳丽.对我国仲裁法存在问题的审视[J].中央政法管理干部学院学报,2000,(6).
[14]唐蕴锋.争议事项可仲裁性浅析[J]. 南京经济学院学报,2001,(4).
[16]A Guide To The UNCITRAL Model Law On International Commercial Arbitration:Legislative History and Commentary,by Howard M.Holtzmann and joseph E.Neuhaus,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publisher,1994.
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
引言 1
一、我国现行仲裁受案范围的立法规定述评 1
(一)我国现行仲裁受案范围立法规定综述 1
(二)我国现行仲裁受案范围立法规定评析 2
1.规定不明确 2
2.规定的范围太窄 2
二 、仲裁受案范围的确定标准 2
(一)影响仲裁受案范围确定的因素 2
1.仲裁机构的民间性 3
2.仲裁自身的优势 3
(二)确定仲裁受案范围的具体考量因素 4
1.纠纷主体的平等性 4
2.争议的可争讼性 4
3.民事纠纷的可处分性 4
三 、我国仲裁受案范围的完善 5
(一)扩大仲裁受案范围的必要性 5
1.有利于我国仲裁事业的发展 5
2.有利于减轻法院的诉讼压力 6
3.扩大仲裁的受案范围有利于整个社会的诚信建设 6
(二)完善仲裁受案范围的具体方案 7
1.明确现行法律规定 7
2.将更多知识产权纠纷纳入仲裁 7
3.增加有关专业纠纷的仲裁 8
结语 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
关键词:仲裁 受案范围 扩大 完善
With the development of socio-economic, arbitration as another way to solve the dispute among the people is accepted. Particularly, arbitration is playing an important role in solving economic disputes. However, according to the present state of our country, arbitration is not enough ripe and perfect. Such as , the laws don’t clearly definite the scope of the arbitration and only apply in the narrow scope .On the latest Arbitration Law in 1995,the contract dispute is relatively clear , but the "other property rights disputes" does not clearly defined in the legislation and has an Uniform judicial interpretation . Which has negative influence on the development of our country’s arbitration and its regulations, so we should perfect the scope of Arbitration urgently? This paper I find out the lack of the scope of on China's current arbitration and give some advice on improving it. In my opinion, the scope of Arbitration has some issue should be perfected urgently. First, should increase the intellectual property rights and trademark rights in arbitration; followed by an increase in the professional disputes in arbitration; in addition, the relevant legal provisions should be even more define.
Keywords: Arbitration ;The scope of the case ; Expand ;Perfect
[4] 张艳丽.对我国仲裁法存在问题的审视[J].中央政法管理干部学院学报,2000,(6).
[14]唐蕴锋.争议事项可仲裁性浅析[J]. 南京经济学院学报,2001,(4).
[16]A Guide To The UNCITRAL Model Law On International Commercial Arbitration:Legislative History and Commentary,by Howard M.Holtzmann and joseph E.Neuhaus,Kluwer Law and Taxation Publisher,1994.