

农民工子女义务教育问题研究,1.5万字21页资料为整套毕业资料,包括开题报告,任务书,论文,文献综述,课题申报审批表,中期检查表,周进展记录表等内容,推荐下载!目 录摘要iiiabstractiv前 言1一、城市农民工子女义务教育问题的背景2(一)农民工子女义务教育问题的由来2(二)农民工子女接受义务教育的现状3二、 城...
分类: 论文>社会学论文



原文档由会员 tian025 发布

1.5万字 21页


目 录
摘要 III
前 言 1
一、城市农民工子女义务教育问题的背景 2
(一)农民工子女义务教育问题的由来 2
(二)农民工子女接受义务教育的现状 3
二、 城市农民工子女义务教育存在的主要问题及原因 5
(一)城市农民工子女义务教育存在的主要问题 5
1、义务教育体制落后、指导思想边缘化 5
2、入读公办学校困难,“农民工子弟”学校环境差 5
(二)城市农民工子女义务教育问题的原因分析 7
1、户籍制度限制给农民工流动子女的义务教育带来的巨大障碍 7
2、 城市义务教育资源不足以及实施过程中的力度不够 7
三、城市农民工子女义务教育问题的出路 10
(一)加快城乡户籍制度改革,为农民工子女上学扫清制度障碍 10
(二)实行以流入地政府为主的财政供给制度,合理分摊农民工子女的教育成本 10
(四)实现“教育卷”凭证模式,建立农民工子女助学基金 12
(五)为农民工子女义务教育营造一个公平教育的良好社会环境和推进的法制化进程 12
结 论 14
参考文献 16
致 谢 17


关键词:农民工子女 户籍制度 义务教育 法制化 教育体制

As China's urbanization process and the acceleration of urban and rural areas separated from the social management system and the dual constraints of the education system, not enough time for the city the education of children of migrant workers to provide the appropriate support services, migrant workers with children of compulsory education The highlights. This paper will be the children of migrant workers in cities caused by the compulsory education system of reasons, from a theoretical point of compulsory education for children of migrant workers the value of the analysis, to reform and improve the management system of compulsory education for entry points, and establish and improve multi-channel farmers accepted The system of compulsory education for their children, migrant workers to strengthen the institutionalization of children of compulsory education building measures. This article from the following three areas described: First, urban children of compulsory education of migrant workers of the background of the children of migrant workers in cities compulsory education the main problems and causes of the three children of migrant workers in cities the way out of compulsory education. Measures based on breaking the limits of urban and rural areas, elimination of discriminatory education, to institutionalize the policy in the form of fixed and effective implementation of the children of migrant workers to solve the problem of compulsory education, protection of migrant workers the right to education of children, of the compulsory education Fairness and human thinking.
Key words: children of migrant workers; household registration system; compulsory education, legal and education system.

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