基于sd卡的mp3播放器设计,基于sd卡的mp3播放器设计19325字 28页摘要随着电子产业的迅速发展,各种袖珍型消费类电子产品应运而生,mp3便是其中的一员。但是,自从2005年以后,mp3的销售开始有所下降。对于开发一种成本、耗能更低,性能更高的mp3播放器取代现有产品,改善销售下降的趋势已变得刻不容缓。本次设计主要针对市场上mp3的容量及播...

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19325字 28页
关键词:MP3播放器,AVR单片机, SD卡,音频解码,FAT分析
The Designed Of Mp3 Plyer Based On SD Card
With the rapid development of electronics industry, various mini consumer electronics products have emerged, MP3 is one of them. However, since after 2005, MP3's sales began to decline. For the development of a cost, lower power consumption, higher performance MP3 player to replace the existing products, improve sales decline has become imperative.
The article is mainly aimed at the mp3's capacity on the market and play format limited and so on to be designed to facilitate micro-SD or MMC memory cards, the capacity expansion, and play MP3, WMA, WAV, MIDI and other files. Users only need to put MP3 and other format files into the memory card, will be able to play the music. This design supports heavy bass, surround sound audio. This design not only can be used as car audio, but also can be used for home playing, office occasions, or in portable equipment.
In this paper, first of all for the SD card-based MP3 player to study the overall design and presentation, and discuss the system hardware and software choices, and specific developing and debugging environment; and then insight into the system design and its implementation, focusing on the SD card, FAT format, decoder chip and software-driven design; Finally, the detailed performance optimization aspects of the work and its development prospects. This design produced by the Atmel’s microcontroller atmega32 to achieve and has achieved good results.
KEY WORDS:MP3 Player, AVR Micro Chip Unit, SD Card, Audio Decorde, FAT ansysly
第一章 绪论。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。5
1.1 基于SD卡的MP3概述
1.2 课题研究的背景及意义
1.3 论文研究的内容和目标
第二章 硬件设计。。。。。。。。。。。。。。9
第三章 软件设计。。。。。。。。。。。。。。17
第四章 总结。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。25
[6] 文梦梦 . 回首昨日展望明天 浅谈MP3播放器发展趋势[J] . PCPOP-电脑时尚 , 2005.2 : 19
[7] 谭文杰 . 基于USB主机的多媒体播放器的设计与实现 [D] . 广东:中山大学 , 2007 : 1
[8] 陈杰 . 基于ARM平台的MP3编码器的实现及其性能优化 [D] . 上海:上海交通大学 , 2007 : 1
[9] 陈冬云、杜敬仓、任柯燕等 ATmega128单片机开发原理与指导 [M] .北京:机械工业出版社,2006.10:4
[10] 2503J-AVR-10/06 . 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 32K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash ATmeg32 [S] . Atmel .2006.10
[11] Official Release . Multimedia Card System Specification [S] . version 3.31 . MMCA Technical Committee,May 2003 MMCA
[12] VLSI Solution . VS1003 PRELIMINARY [S] . Version 0.92, 2005-06-07
[13] Specification for LCD Module TS1620-1 [S] . SHENZHEN TECHSTAR ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD
[14] SMC1602A LCM 使用说明书 [S] . 长沙太阳人电子有限公司
[15] Application Note Secure Digital Card Interface for the MSP430 [S] . Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering . Michigan State University, 2004
[16] 沈美明 温冬婵 编著IBM-PC汇编语言程序设计 [M](第二版) 北京:清华大学出版社
[17] 佚名 MP3文件格式 [EB] . 2006.1:2
[18] 魏广寅 VS1003-MP3/WMA 音频解码器 [S] . 贵阳永青仪电科技开发部
[19] VS1003 - MP3/WMA AUDIO CODEC 数据手册 [S] . Version 0.92, 2005-06-07
19325字 28页
关键词:MP3播放器,AVR单片机, SD卡,音频解码,FAT分析
The Designed Of Mp3 Plyer Based On SD Card
With the rapid development of electronics industry, various mini consumer electronics products have emerged, MP3 is one of them. However, since after 2005, MP3's sales began to decline. For the development of a cost, lower power consumption, higher performance MP3 player to replace the existing products, improve sales decline has become imperative.
The article is mainly aimed at the mp3's capacity on the market and play format limited and so on to be designed to facilitate micro-SD or MMC memory cards, the capacity expansion, and play MP3, WMA, WAV, MIDI and other files. Users only need to put MP3 and other format files into the memory card, will be able to play the music. This design supports heavy bass, surround sound audio. This design not only can be used as car audio, but also can be used for home playing, office occasions, or in portable equipment.
In this paper, first of all for the SD card-based MP3 player to study the overall design and presentation, and discuss the system hardware and software choices, and specific developing and debugging environment; and then insight into the system design and its implementation, focusing on the SD card, FAT format, decoder chip and software-driven design; Finally, the detailed performance optimization aspects of the work and its development prospects. This design produced by the Atmel’s microcontroller atmega32 to achieve and has achieved good results.
KEY WORDS:MP3 Player, AVR Micro Chip Unit, SD Card, Audio Decorde, FAT ansysly
第一章 绪论。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。5
1.1 基于SD卡的MP3概述
1.2 课题研究的背景及意义
1.3 论文研究的内容和目标
第二章 硬件设计。。。。。。。。。。。。。。9
第三章 软件设计。。。。。。。。。。。。。。17
第四章 总结。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。25
[6] 文梦梦 . 回首昨日展望明天 浅谈MP3播放器发展趋势[J] . PCPOP-电脑时尚 , 2005.2 : 19
[7] 谭文杰 . 基于USB主机的多媒体播放器的设计与实现 [D] . 广东:中山大学 , 2007 : 1
[8] 陈杰 . 基于ARM平台的MP3编码器的实现及其性能优化 [D] . 上海:上海交通大学 , 2007 : 1
[9] 陈冬云、杜敬仓、任柯燕等 ATmega128单片机开发原理与指导 [M] .北京:机械工业出版社,2006.10:4
[10] 2503J-AVR-10/06 . 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 32K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash ATmeg32 [S] . Atmel .2006.10
[11] Official Release . Multimedia Card System Specification [S] . version 3.31 . MMCA Technical Committee,May 2003 MMCA
[12] VLSI Solution . VS1003 PRELIMINARY [S] . Version 0.92, 2005-06-07
[13] Specification for LCD Module TS1620-1 [S] . SHENZHEN TECHSTAR ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD
[14] SMC1602A LCM 使用说明书 [S] . 长沙太阳人电子有限公司
[15] Application Note Secure Digital Card Interface for the MSP430 [S] . Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering . Michigan State University, 2004
[16] 沈美明 温冬婵 编著IBM-PC汇编语言程序设计 [M](第二版) 北京:清华大学出版社
[17] 佚名 MP3文件格式 [EB] . 2006.1:2
[18] 魏广寅 VS1003-MP3/WMA 音频解码器 [S] . 贵阳永青仪电科技开发部
[19] VS1003 - MP3/WMA AUDIO CODEC 数据手册 [S] . Version 0.92, 2005-06-07