

基于plc的物料分拣机械手自动化控制系统设计,基于plc的物料分拣机械手自动化控制系统设计包括开题报告,论文,梯形图,接线图,装配图等完整图纸目 录目 录i摘 要ivabstractv第一章 前言11.1 研究的目的及意义11.2 机械手在国内外现状和发展趋势11.3 主要研究的内容21.4 解决的关键问题3第二章 执行系统的分析与选择42.1执行机构坐标形式的选...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 csfujixie 发布



目   录
目   录 I
摘   要 IV
Abstract V
第一章  前言 1
1.1  研究的目的及意义 1
1.2  机械手在国内外现状和发展趋势 1
1.3  主要研究的内容 2
1.4  解决的关键问题 3
第二章  执行系统的分析与选择 4
2.1 执行机构坐标形式的选择 4
2.2  执行机构的组成 6
2.3  执行机构各部分的分析与选择 6
2.3.1  手部的选择 6
2.3.2  手臂结构的选择 8
2.3.3  机座结构的选择 9
2.4  执行机构的工作原理 10
2.5 执行机构简图 10
第三章  驱动系统的分析与选择 12
3.1  驱动系统的分析与选择 12
3.2  机械手驱动系统的控制设计 13
3.3  气动元件选取及工作原理 14
3.3.1  气源装置 14
3.3.2  执行元件 15
3.3.3  控制元件 16
3.3.4  辅助元件 17
3.3.5  真空发生器 18
3.3.6  吸盘 18
3.4  气动回路的工作原理 18
第四章  控制系统的分析设计 22
4.1  控制系统的组成结构 22
4.2  控制系统的性能要求 22
4.3  传感器的选择 23
4.3.1  位置检测装置 23
4.3.2  滑觉传感器 23
4.3.3  视觉传感器 24
4.4  控制系统PLC的选型及控制原理 25
4.4.1  PLC控制系统设计的基本原则 25
4.4.2  PLC种类及型号选择 30
4.4.3  I/O点数分配 30
4.4.4  PLC外部接线图 32
4.4.5  机械手控制原理 32
4.5  PLC程序设计 34
4.5.1  总体程序框图 34
4.5.2  初始化及报警程序 36
4.5.3  手动控制程序 37
4.5.4  自动控制程序 39
第五章  总结与展望 42
参考文献 43
致  谢 44
附  录 45

 摘   要

关键词: 机械手,气动控制,可编程控制器(PLC),自动化控制,物料分拣。


The Design for The Automatic Control System of The Sorting Materials Manipulator Based on PLC

    Manipulator plays an extremely important role in the field of advanced manufacturing. It can carry goods, sort materials and do heavy works instead of the human being. It also can realize mechanization and automation of the production, do the jobs in harmful environment to protect the personal safety. So it is widely used in metallurgy, machinery manufacturing, electronics, light industry and atomic energy etc.
In this paper,by reviewing the developmental status of the manipulator in recent years, combining the design of manipulator and systematic analyzing technology of the manipulator, We proposed the design scheme that the manipulator was driven by the pneumatic and the system was controlled by PLC. Integrative idea was adopted in this design to fully consider the characteristics of the software and hardware and complementary optimization. We analyzed and designed the overall structure, the implementation of structural, driving system and control system of the manipulator. We used pneumatic-driven in the driving system, PLC control unit in the control system to complete initialization of the system, manipulator's moving, failure alarm and so on. Finally we put forward a control strategy which is simple, easy to realize, and clear theoretical significance.
    Through the work above, a practical, economical, high-reliability sorting material manipulator was designed, which also had certain reference value for the other types of economical PLC control system design.
Key words: manipulator ;pneumatic-driven; programmable logic controller (PLC); automatic control;sorting materials