寻租理论与腐败问题研究,1.2万字 17页目 录摘 要 Ⅲ abstract Ⅳ前 言...............................................1一、寻租理论概述前言 2(一)寻租的内涵、类型、层次 21. 寻租的定义、特征 22. 寻租的类型 33. 寻租的层次 3(二)寻租理论的产...
原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1.2万字 17页
目 录
摘 要 Ⅲ
前 言...............................................1
一、寻租理论概述前言 2
(一)寻租的内涵、类型、层次 2
1. 寻租的定义、特征 2
2. 寻租的类型 3
3. 寻租的层次 3
(二)寻租理论的产生与发展过程 4
1. 寻租理论在国外的发展 4
2. 寻租理论在我国的发展 4
二、腐败的概述 6
(一)腐败的内涵 6
1. 腐败的定义 6
2. 腐败的特征 6
(二)腐败的分类 7
1. 政府领域内的腐败 7
2. 非政府领域内的腐败 7
三、寻租与腐败的关系 8
(一)寻租与腐败的联系 8
1.寻租理论是反腐败的理论基础 8
2.寻租活动诱发腐败的产生 8
(二)寻租与腐败的区别 9
1. 寻租与腐败的概念本质不同 9
2. 寻租与腐败的行为主体不同 9
3. 寻租与腐败的行为目的不同 9
4. 寻租与腐败在法律上的不同 9
四、转型时期我国的寻租与腐败问题 10
1. 主观原因.........................................10
2. 客观原因.........................................10
1. 深化政府体制改革,促进政府行为合理化、规范化... ..........11
2. 加大市场化改革力度,完善经济体制......................12
3. 进一步建立和健全有关法律制度体系......................13
4. 加强社会监督,加大对非法寻租与腐败的惩治力度.............13
结 语 ..........................................15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17
摘 要
关键词:寻租理论 腐败 公共权力 反腐败 对策建议
Study on Rent-seeking Theory and the Corruption Issue
In the process of China's economic development, rent-seeking and corruption are more widespread in many economic areas. Rent-seeking theory as a theory which study human economic activities to explain the current rent-seeking activities and the spread of the problem of corruption has a very good theoretical and practical significance. First, this paper explained the two basic concept of rent-seeking and corruption. Under the guidance of the theory of rent-seeking, we discussed the relationship between corruption and rent-seeking. Second, the rent-seeking activities and corruption in China’s economic transition period are also analysis. Finally, some suggestions to governance illegal rent-seeking and corrupt issues are proposed.
KEY WORDS: Rent-Seeking Theory, Corruption, Public Power, Anti-corruption,
1.2万字 17页
目 录
摘 要 Ⅲ
前 言...............................................1
一、寻租理论概述前言 2
(一)寻租的内涵、类型、层次 2
1. 寻租的定义、特征 2
2. 寻租的类型 3
3. 寻租的层次 3
(二)寻租理论的产生与发展过程 4
1. 寻租理论在国外的发展 4
2. 寻租理论在我国的发展 4
二、腐败的概述 6
(一)腐败的内涵 6
1. 腐败的定义 6
2. 腐败的特征 6
(二)腐败的分类 7
1. 政府领域内的腐败 7
2. 非政府领域内的腐败 7
三、寻租与腐败的关系 8
(一)寻租与腐败的联系 8
1.寻租理论是反腐败的理论基础 8
2.寻租活动诱发腐败的产生 8
(二)寻租与腐败的区别 9
1. 寻租与腐败的概念本质不同 9
2. 寻租与腐败的行为主体不同 9
3. 寻租与腐败的行为目的不同 9
4. 寻租与腐败在法律上的不同 9
四、转型时期我国的寻租与腐败问题 10
1. 主观原因.........................................10
2. 客观原因.........................................10
1. 深化政府体制改革,促进政府行为合理化、规范化... ..........11
2. 加大市场化改革力度,完善经济体制......................12
3. 进一步建立和健全有关法律制度体系......................13
4. 加强社会监督,加大对非法寻租与腐败的惩治力度.............13
结 语 ..........................................15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17
摘 要
关键词:寻租理论 腐败 公共权力 反腐败 对策建议
Study on Rent-seeking Theory and the Corruption Issue
In the process of China's economic development, rent-seeking and corruption are more widespread in many economic areas. Rent-seeking theory as a theory which study human economic activities to explain the current rent-seeking activities and the spread of the problem of corruption has a very good theoretical and practical significance. First, this paper explained the two basic concept of rent-seeking and corruption. Under the guidance of the theory of rent-seeking, we discussed the relationship between corruption and rent-seeking. Second, the rent-seeking activities and corruption in China’s economic transition period are also analysis. Finally, some suggestions to governance illegal rent-seeking and corrupt issues are proposed.
KEY WORDS: Rent-Seeking Theory, Corruption, Public Power, Anti-corruption,