

毕业论文--物流中心选址模型研究,56000字 68页【摘要】供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流,物流,资金流的控制,从采购原材料开始,制成中间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手中的将供应商,制造商,分销售,零售商,直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结构。相关研究和案例表明供应链管理可以使企业的总成本下降...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布

56000字     68页


【关键词】配送中心选址 供应链管理 供应链网络优化

【Abstract】With the development of supply chain management, site location is becoming an important problem. as is known to all supply chain management research is focused on integrating information flow, logistics and capital flows from raw material to the supplier, customer in the network configuration. Correlative studies and cases showed that through efficient supply chain management the company can reduce the gross cost by 10% ,time reliability increased by 15%.the company of Hwettle-Packard has brought down the service cost of printer by 25%.and that is fantastic.
In the stage of consolidating supply chain,the very first thing the company should do is to site selection, as the joint of supply chain network. So it is very important for a company to find a perfect location for accompany, what is more it is useful for us to research the problem of distribution selection.
During the last decades, research on supply chain is focused on follow facet: site selection, distribution network optimization, stock and goods order, distribution cost, performance appraisal of distribution center, distribution model。
The first thing should be done is to confirm the location of distribution center in supply chain design. Distribution center including follow function: transportation, stocking, separation, packing, message processing, load and unload. So distribution center selection is very important.
On the base of reading a lot of papers about site selection and supply chain management, I summarize and analyze the result of the research achievement. After that I present a case and use a suitable model to solve problems in the certain case.
【Keywprd】supply chain management distribution center selection logistics center


第一章, 导论 5
1.1,本论文研究的背景和意义 5
1.2国内外研究概况 5
1.2.1选址的历史 5
1.2.2国内外物流配送中心选址问题研究现状 6
1.3本论文研究内容 7
第二章物流配送中心选址概述 9
2.1物流配送中心概述 9
2.1.1  物流配送中心的含义和功能 9
2.1.2  物流配送中心的分类 10
2.2物流配送中心选址概述 13
2.2.1物流配送中心选址的含义 13
2.2.2物流配送中心选址原则 13
2.2.3物流配送中心选址影响因素 14
第三章物流中心选址规划方法 15
3.1经典方法综述 15
3.1.1重心模型 15
3.1.2交叉中值模型 18
3.1.3混合整数规划模型 19
3.1.4P-中值模型 21
3.1.5网络覆盖模型 23
3.1.6鲍摩-瓦尔夫模型 26
3.1.7CLFP模型(capacitated facility location problem) 27
3.1.8动态模型(dynamic incapacitated facility location problem) 29
3.1.9遗传算法 29
3.1.10模拟退火算法 32
3.1.11AHP(层次分析)法 33
3.1.12系统模拟法 35
3.1.13单品种选址模型 37
3.1.14单纯设施配置的精确计算模型 41
3.2 现代选址方法综述 46
3.2.1供应链物流中心双层规划模型 46
3.2.2不确定环境下的的双层规划选址模型 48
3.2.3回路配送选址方法 50
3.2.4GIS&重心法选址方法 52
3.2.5AHP&目标规划方法的配送中心选址模型 53
3.2.6基于时间满意度的选址模型 55
3.2.7考虑物流活动外部性的选址模型 57
3.3选址方法比较分析 59
第四章物流配送中心选址规划实例研究 60
第五章结论 65
谢辞 67
参考文献 68