

播放器的设计与实现,2.2万字 27页摘 要随着计算机的广泛运用,internet的迅速发展,多媒体技术也是迅速发展。各种音频视频资源在网上随处可见,在人们的日常生活中,几乎不可或缺,于是各种播放器紧跟着发展起来。本文旨在通过在.net开发平台上开发一个简单的视频播放器的过程,了解播放器的功能实现,掌握播放器开发的相关技...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布


2.2万字     27页

摘    要



【关键词】:播放器 ;.NET;DirectX 9.0;C#

Design and implementation of video player


Along with the computers are widely used, Internet rapid development and the multimedia technology is also developing rapidly. A variety of audio and video resources can be seen everywhere on the Internet, in people’s daily lives, almost indispensable, then all kinds of Player is developed. This paper aim at to understand the functions implementations of Player, to master the development technologies of Player, and use the theory of software engineering to understand the method and step of software develop, by means of the process to develop a simple video player in the development platform of .Net.

First of all, this paper introduce some popular players in brief on the market, such as storm video, etc., then to understand some functons of these players, all kinds of special coding format file they can play, to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various coding formats; second I choose Microsoft .Net development platform and use the C # language to write a function of simple and practical and convenient player. Includeing the following main aspects: the development platform and technology of to develop this player; functional module; function design; function realization, etc. Finally, a brief summary of the software development process and some my experience and feelings are described.


目 录
第一章 概述 3
1.1 项目背景与意义 3
1.2 市面流行播放器举例简介 3
1.2.1 暴风影音 3
1.2.2 风雷影音 5
1.2.3 几种常见格式简介 6
1.3 相关技术及开发工具介绍 7
1.3.1 Visual Studio .Net集成开发环境简介 7
1.3.2 C#语言简介 8
1.3.3 DirectX SDK 9.0简介 9
第二章 总体功能设计与实现 11
2.1 功能设计 11
2.1.1 功能设计及描述 11
2.1.2 功能模块图 12
2.2 功能实现 12
2.2.1 主界面实现 12
2.2.2 文件控制的实现 14
2.2.3 播放控制的实现 15
2.2.4 进度控制的实现 18
2.2.5 声音控制 20
2.2.6 显示控制的实现 21
2.2.7 系统说明 23
第三章 总结 25
致   谢 26
参考文献 27