
此文档由会员 yongwei 发布LED分光机总体设计
其次 ,确定发光二极管的分类方法。根据发光二极管的光电参数的检测系统测得的数据,确定作为分类标准的参数:其中电参数采用正向导通电压,光学参数采用光强,而波长则采用主波长,来替代传统方法所采用的峰值波长,使分类更直观。
最后,也是本设计的重点内容,是进行LED分光机的总体设计,主要包括该系统的机构设计和控制系统的设计。在机构设计过程中为保证运动精度,采用一系列措施来消除传动中的虚位和间隙, 还设计了一种更加实用的复合凸轮机构。控制系统采用工控机作为上位机,来控制外围设备,完成上料、测试、下料动作,将该LED放入相对应的料箱中,本系统能够实现80级的分类。
关键词: 发光二极管,自动分选,自动检测
With the updating of luminescence material, more and more types of LED come into being. And LED is used widely, especially in screen. So the technology about the measurement of LED is required. This subject on the measurement and classifying of LED accelerates the development of technology on the test of LED, and this subject which integrates the test with classifying makes this system more useful.
In this automatic classifying system, the research is as follows:
First, the method to measure LED is confirmed .In this system the electric and spectral parameters are selected. Then the optical system is de signed. The optical system includes single wave apparatuses and CCD, and the analysis system of data.
Second, the way to classify LED is confirmed. According to the data collected from the LED's measurement system, the parameters which are selected as classifying parameters are confirmed. And these parameters are positive voltage, countercurrent, spectral intensity and dominating wavelength. And this system abandons the conventional method that make middle wavelength as the parameter.
Finally, the LED's classifying system is designed. The system includes mechanical part and the control system part. During the mechanical design, in order to ensure the motion accuracy, a series of methods are adopted to minimize the invalids pace and gap. Besides, the application of a new cam is put forward in this thesis .In the mechanical part there are two positions as the test position and up position. And in the control system the computer is as upper computer, it controls the mechanical part.
The whole system has clear operation interface, the structure is rational and is easy to repair. And the operation system is easy to lean. So it will be used widely in the future.
Key Words: LED, Automatic classifying, Automatic test
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1发光二极管概述 1
1.1.1发光二极管的性能特点 1
1.1.2 发光二极管的分类 1
1.2发光二极管的特性参数及测试方法 2
1.2.1发光二极管的电特性参数 2
1.2.2发光二极管的光学参数 3
1.3 LED分光机概述 5
1.3.1 LED分光机分类及特点 5
1.3.2 LED分光机研究背景 5
1.3.3 国内外LED分光机的研究现状分析 5
1.4 本文研究主要内容………………………………………………………6
2 LED分光机总体方案设计 7
2.1 LED分光机台自动化装置结构构成 8
2.1.1进料结构 9
2.1.2 定为测试结构 11
2.1.3 出料结构 13
2.2光学系统的选用 15
2.3 探测器的选用 17
2.4 传动方案的设计 18
2.4.1 主机传动 18
2.4.2副机传动 18
2.5 其他辅助系统的设计 18
2.5.1 气压气动系统 18
2.5.2 静电消除系统 18
2.5.3 分料储料系统 18
3 主要机械结构的设计 19
3.1复合凸轮机构的设计 19
3.2 电机系统的设计 26
3.3 同步带及同步带轮的设计 27
4 LED分光机进料测试流程 29
5 总结 32
参考文献 33
附录A:摆动从动件盘形凸轮机构设计参数 34