锻造天燃气加热炉温度控制系统的设计,2万字 36页摘 要工业炉是热加工工艺中的关键设备。在最近几年中,国内的天然气加热炉逐渐增多。这种加热炉的优点在于其造价低,安全系数高,但是由于使用天然气加热所以气炉内温度的控制就成为了这种加热炉质量好坏的关键。 本文首先介绍了加热炉在我国工业中的重要地位,然后介绍了本设计的主要方案。...

此文档由会员 yongwei 发布锻造天燃气加热炉温度控制系统的设计
2万字 36页
摘 要
Industrial furnace heat processing technology is the key equipment. In recent years, domestic natural gas furnace gradually increased. This furnace in the merits of its low cost, high safety factor, but because of the use of natural gas heating , the gas furnace temperature control has become a key to eva luate quality of furnace.
This paper first introduced in China's industrial furnace of the important status, and then introduced the design of the main programme. Natural gas furnace and the temperature control of the hardware design and software design to do some of the details. The main design elements include: research on the SCM digital temperature sensors and liquid crystal display of the control theory and methods. In the current design of a more popular SCM AT89S52 for the design of the main body of the control is optional on the classic control of the PID algorithm control, it is simple, reliable, easy to implement and can eliminate errors and stability in In most cases able to meet performance requirements. In this column on the basis of a number designed to use natural gas furnace temperature control MCU's hardware and software parts of the circuit flow chart.
The design used in the present more popular digital temperature sensors and liquid crystal display to simplify the hardware circuit design. As the author of knowledge available, but given these two devices in the design of this Part of the process flow diagram, did not carry out detailed procedures for the preparation.
Since this system is only a preliminary design, it is inevitable there will be insufficient.If we want to use the entrance to the actual production,we need further study.
Key words: Temperature control, SCM, Hardware design, PID algorithms, Software design
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 国内外研究现状 1
1.2 单片机技术的应用 1
1.3 研究意义 2
1.4 本文主要内容 3
2总体方案设计 4
2.1 设计内容与要求 4
2.2 设计方案 4
2.3 燃气加热炉PID智能控制系统 5
2.4 工作原理 5
2.5 本章小结 5
3硬件电路器件的选择 6
3.1单片机的选择 6
3.1.1单片机AT89S52 6
3.1.2单片机AT89S52的功能简介 6
3.2 传感器的选择 8
3.1.2 DS18B20数字温度传感器 8
3.1.2 DS18B20的主要特性 8
3.3 显示器的选择 9
3.4 本章小结 9
4控制策略研究 10
4.1 PID控制基本理论 10
4.2 设计PID控制器时注意事项 12
4.3 本章小结 13
5硬件电路图的设计 14
5.1 单片机电路图 14
5.2传感器与单片机的接口电路 14
5.2.1 传感器电路设计 14
5.2.2 传感器电路设计中的注意问题 15
5.3 显示电路的设计 16
5.4 数据传输电路 16
5.5 键盘电路设计 17
5.5.1 键盘原理 17
5.5.2 键盘与单片机的接口电路 18
5.6 步进电机电路设计 19
5.7 本章小结 20
6程序流程图设计 21
6.1主程序流程图 21
6.2温度采集程序设计流程图 21
6.3显示程序流程图设计 23
6.4传输程序流程图 25
6.5键盘子程序流程图 26
6.6步进电机运行程序流程图 27
6.7 软件抗干扰设计 28
6.8 本章小结 29
7 总结 30
参考文献 31