仿人机械臂关节驱动及控制系统设计,摘 要仿人机器人是机器人研究领域最高研究成果的代表。仿人机械臂作为仿人机器人的一部分,代替人手的功能,是实现仿人机器人动作和功能的基础和重要载体,是仿人机器人不可或缺的重要部分。本文设计了一个三自由度仿人机械手臂的驱动和控制系统。它采用机电一体化的设计理念,集机械机构设计、驱动系统设计、...

此文档由会员 yongwei 发布仿人机械臂关节驱动及控制系统设计
摘 要
Apery robot is the representative of the highest research results in the field of robot
researching. As a part of apery robot, the apery robot arm replaces the functions of
human hand, is the foundation and an important carrier of achieving the motion and
function of the apery robot, and is an indispensable part of the apery robot.
This article is about the design of driving and controlling system of a 3DOF apery
robot. Using the design concept of Mechatronics, the design which is the aggregation of
the mechanical structure design, the driving system design and the controlling system
design, goes about the simplest model of 3DOF, and mainly to develop the driving and
the controlling system while designing the mechanical structure.
To satisfy the complexity and the real–time processing of the apery movement, the driving system uses a new type of hybrid and direct system which has higher precision and fast response in signal processing, and the controlling system uses the PC and the PMAC to conduct 2-level control. On the one hand, using the direct-drive mode to conduct closed loop control greatly enhanced the precision of the movement, which solve the problem of complexity of the arm’s movement; on the other hand, the application of the advanced computer technique, enhanced the speed of calculation and procession, greatly increased the precision and speed, and finally completed the acquisition of all the sensor information, direct driving, and the control of the space position of robot joints, achieved the ordinary industrial robot’s need, but also actualized real-time moving, fulfilled the request of the apery movement .
The apery robot is one of the hot spots of contemporary science and technology researching, is of scientific significance, and also need more in-depth study.
Key words:apery robot , direct drive , PMAC, real-time control
目 录
摘 要 III
1 绪 论 1
1.1概述 1
1.2课题研究的意义与前景 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.4 本文的主要内容 3
2 总体和机械本体设计 4
2.1 系统分析 4
2.2 技术设计 5
2.2.1确定本体结构和参数 5
2.2.2拟定检测传感系统框图 7
2.2.3确定控制系统总体方案,绘制框图 7
2.2.4总体结构设计 8
2.2.5机械臂的工作空间 9
2.3 本章小结 11
3 传感检测系统设计 12
3.1 传感器选择的基本要求 12
3.2 传感器的选择 13
3.2.1 超声波传感器和红外线传感器测距系统 13
3.2.2六维力/力矩传感器 14
3.2.3 光电编码器 15
3.2.4 微动开关 16
3.3 本章小结 17
4 驱动系统设计 18
4.1 驱动方式的选择 18
4.2行波 USM 运行原理及控制方法 19
4.2.1 行波超声波电机原理及特点 19
4.2.2 TRUSM控制方法的选择 19
4.3新型混合直接驱动系统设计 20
4.4 基于混合直接驱动系统的精密定位控制方法 20
4.4.1 两阶段定位控制策略 20
4.4.2 两阶段控制需注意的问题及控制流程图 22
4.5 本章小结 24
5 仿人机械臂控制系统设计 25
5.1 硬件系统 25
5.2 PMAC多轴运动控制器 26
5.3 软件系统 27
5.3.1软件系统的主要功能 27
5.3.2软件结构 28
5.3.3运动控制方法 29
5.4 本章小结 30
6 结束语 31
参 考 文 献 33