滚筒式宽幅数字喷印设备的结构设计,摘 要随着经济的不断向前发展,国内市场上对于高品质影像输出、彩色渲染图输出、展览广告设计、地理信息系统(gis)图输出、大幅面海报打印、户外看板制作等业务的需求越来越多。这就迫使广告业和印刷业对大幅面彩色喷绘机有着很大的需求。现阶段,国内在大幅面幅彩色喷绘机的开发方面还处于起步阶段。市场...

此文档由会员 yongwei 发布滚筒式宽幅数字喷印设备的结构设计
摘 要
With the development of economy, the business demand of high quality image, color romance picture, GIS image, high wide poster printing, open show board and so on is increasing in domestic market, which pushes the advertisement industry and printing industry requires more on the high wide color plotter. Nowadays, there search of high wide color plotters in my country is at the beginning step. Only little domestic products are in the market. So it is the optimal chance for us to develop the low-cost and high-quality products.
This paper wide digital jet printing equipment for the structure, completed jet printing equipment horizontal and vertical design of the two directions of transmission. Jet printing car from a good dynamic performance, high-precision positioning of the brushless DC servo motor drive, after a group of gear reducer, and the distance can be a smooth transmission of the timing belt will turn into a horizontal movement motor, the car Guides on the campaign. Paper by the stepper motor driver, after a slow roller gear driven passed, thus completing the paper longitudinal movement. Timing with the choice of terms, to paper and feeding agencies choose the same motor, through different gear reduction ratio, so that the diameter of two different drum achieve synchronous movement is the focus of this design.
Key words:Wide jet printing,Timing belt,tolling drum,magnetic stepping
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1宽幅喷印机的现状和发展 1
1.2论文的工作和意义 2
1.3宽幅喷印机简介 2
1.3.1 宽幅喷印机的结构介绍 2
1.3.2 宽幅喷印机技术性能指标 3
1.4设计的实现途径和主要原理 4
2宽幅喷印机的总体设计 6
2.1宽幅喷印机的技术参数 6
2.2宽幅喷印机的总体结构 6
2.2.1 喷头小车横移系统 6
2.2.2 走纸和收纸机构 6
3喷头小车横移系统及其传动机构设计计算 7
3.1字车横移系统的传动结构设计 7
3.1.1 结构方案选择 7
3.1.2 同步齿形带的设计计算 9
3.1.3 同步齿形带的安装 14
3.1.4 齿轮减速机构设计计算 15
3.1.5 导轨的选取 16
3.2喷头小车系统介绍 18
3.2.1 喷头的喷印原理 18
3.2.2 宽幅喷印设备字车系统介绍 20
3.3驱动电机的选择 21
3.3.1 电机选取 21
3.3.2 电机的控制方案 24
3.3.3 电机的联接 24
4走纸传动机构的设计 26
4.1走纸机构的设计计算 26
4.1.1 收纸滚筒设计计算 26
4.2.2 进纸滚筒的设计计算 28
4.2.3 轴承的选取 29
4.3滚筒抗共振可靠性设计 31
4.3.1 抗共振可靠性设计数学模型 31
4.3.2 收纸滚筒临界转速的求解 32
4.3.3 滚筒可靠度的计算 35
4.4驱动电机的选取 36
4.4.1 电机的选取 36
4.4.2 电机的原理和驱动控制 36
4.5本章小结 39
5总结 40
参考文献 41
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