

缆索表面检测机器人本体设计,摘 要缆索检测机器人是特种机器人技术在斜拉桥缆索检测方面的应用。自从1956年在瑞典建成世界上第一座斜拉桥以来,斜拉桥就越来越受到世人的青睐。斜拉桥成为现代建筑的一道亮丽的风景。然而,针对目前斜拉桥的人工吊篮检测的落后方式,如何高效快速的进行斜拉桥的缆索的检测和维护成为人们急需解决的一个重要问...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 yongwei 发布


摘    要





The cable robot developed in this paper is the first application of special robots to cables of cable-stayed bridges. Cable-stayed bridge which is more and more popular in the world, since the first cable-stayed bridge was built in Sweden in 1956. The cable-stayed bridge has become one of the most beautiful scenes. Then, concerning the artificial maintenance method for cables, how efficient the cable stayed for the rapid detection and the maintenance of the urgent need to resolve to become an important issue.
We designed this discussion group on the cable robot is divided into three parts: detection of power and carrying some parts. This design is the biggest advantages of lightweight, easy to install, and so on. In the design process, we have to consider a number of questions, the most important thing is the wheels of the car and automatically adjust the CCD MOUNTING manual adjustments. I use the car for the spring and bolt is a double-conditioning, the CCD support, I have adopted the regulation is the slider.

Keywords: cable-stayed bridge cable, carrying bodies, Cable Detection


目   录
摘    要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 斜拉桥缆索检测机器人的设计意义 1
1.2 国内外的研究现状: 2
1.2.1 缆索机器人分类 2
1.2.2 缆索检测机器人发展现状 4
1.3 缆索检测机器人的工作原理 5
2 缆索检测机器人总体方案设计 7
3 爬行机构的设计 10
3.1 主要技术指标 10
3.2 斜度阻力 10
3.3 缆索检测机器人模型分析 11
3.3.1 缆索检测机器人结构模型 11
3.3.2 力学模型 12
4 主要零件的设计 14
4.1 从动轮的设计 14
4.2 从动轮轴的设计 15
4.2.1 选择轴的材料 15
4.2.2 轴上的受力分析 15
4.2.3 轴的疲劳强度安全系数校核计算 16
4.3 从动轴承的选择 17
4.3.1 选择轴承类型 17
4.3.2 计算当量动载荷Pr: 17
4.4 压缩弹簧的设计计算 18
4.4.1 压缩弹簧的原始条件 18
4.4.2 压缩弹簧的参数计算 18
4.4.3 验算 18
4.5 CCD支撑的设计 19
4.5.1 总体设计 19
4.5.2 CCD拍摄范围的计算 20
5 缆索检测机器人小车部分的装夹过程 22
6 发展和展望 23
7 总结 24
8 感谢 25
参 考 文 献 26