缆索检测机器人检测系统设计,(本科毕业设计)摘 要缆索是斜拉索桥和悬索桥的重要组成部分,是这类桥梁关键的受力构件。在桥梁运营中,要求它必须能够安全抵抗疲劳,必须耐久而且有很好的防锈措施。然而,缆索又直接受周围环境状况影响,雨水、雾霜、气体等都能对它造成侵蚀。因此,缆索表面的锈蚀和缺陷监测对于该类桥梁的健康诊断有着十分重大...

此文档由会员 yongwei 发布缆索检测机器人检测系统设计(本科毕业设计)
摘 要
As the bearing component, the cable is an important part of bridge. So it should resist fatigue reliably, and it can be anticorrosive. Whereas, some factors, such as the rain, fog, gas and so on, could erode the cable in the environment. As a result, the detection of cable is an important part in health detection of bridge.
In this thesis, the design of the embedded surface damage detection system bridge cable based on image recognition technology is introduced, after analyzing the currently technology of the bridge cable surface damage detection. It makes a target of fast intellective damage detection. Depended on concurrent sensor array of 4 CCD, the system collects the surface image data of the bridge cable, and sends the data to DSP. This DSP based on TMS320DM642, includes video signal transform circuit, SDRAM, FLASH, ATA interface and so on. The image of bridge cable could be cropped, pretreated, rectified projection, detected and saved.
The system provides an effective way to exactly detect the surface damages of bridge cable in real-time, with low costly, and it is another good method in the surface damage detection of bridge cable.
Keywords:The Detection of Cable,TMS320DM642,CCD
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1课题背景 1
1.2缆索机器人在国内外的发展现状 1
1.2.1国内缆索机器人的发展概况 1
1.2.2国外缆索机器人的发展概况 1
1.3课题任务和研究的主要内容 3
1.3.1课题任务 3
1.3.2主要研究内容 3
2缆索表面缺陷检测系统的总体方案 4
2.1方案比较 4
2.2最终方案 4
3缆索检测机器人的硬件系统 8
3.1 TMS320DM642介绍 8
3.1.1 CPU结构 8
3.1.2 Video Port端口 9
3.1.3外围存储资源 10
3.2 图像采集系统 11
3.2.1 光源的选择 11
3.2.2 CCD相机的选择 12
3.2.2 镜头的选择 13
4基于DSP的缺陷检测软件设计 15
4.1基于TMS320DM642的软件开发环境 15
4.1.1 DSP软件开发的工具 15
4.1.2集成开发环境Code Composer Studio 2.0 15
4.2基于DSP的桥梁拉索表面缺陷检测软件实现 16
4.2.1总体软件流程实现方案 16
4.2.2系统程序的加载与启动 17
4.2.3系统初始化模块 21
4.2.4视频采集驱动模块 22
4.3检测结果 26
4.3.1检测系统所能达到的性能指标 26
4.3.2检测到的图像 26
5. 结语 28
5.1本文的主要工作 28
5.2对未来工作的展望 28
参考文献 29