嵌入式车载数字仪表的设计,摘 要随着汽车电子技术的不断发展,汽车仪表上显示的信息量不断增加,传统的组合式仪表已无法满足使用的需要,以嵌入式微处理器为核心的数字化仪表将是汽车仪表发展的必然方向。本文立足于嵌入式技术、虚拟仪器技术和现场总线技术,运用嵌入式计算机pc/104作为系统的核心处理单元,综合分析、处理、显示各种车况...

此文档由会员 yongwei 发布嵌入式车载数字仪表的设计
摘 要
With the development of the automobile-electron technology, the information displayed on the instrument is increased continuously so that the traditional mechanical assembled instrument can’t meet the people’s need. The digital instrument based on embedded microprocessor is the necessary trend of the on-board instrument.
The thesis is based on embedded technology, virtual instrument technology and field-bus technology. The embedded computer PC/104 is designed to the core processing unit to analyze, process and display the automobile information synthetically, and communicate with the lower computer through the CAN-bus to complete relevant function.
The acquisition of the automobile information in working state has been designed and realized. The information includes three types: six analog signals, such as water temperature, engine oil temperature and fuel quantity; eight switching signals, such as the light, the door, etc; two impulse signals, such as the car speed and the rotate speed of engine.
The data acquisition system lower computer based on CAN-bus technology has been designed and realized. The CAN-bus technology is taken in this system for data transmitting, not only for adapting to badly working circumstance better, but also for sharing the information with other net of the automobile.
The virtual instrument upper computer base on PC/104 embedded computer has been designed and realized. Take the embedded computer PC/104 as the core processing unit of upper computer, and the touching screen as the controlling manner for better using. The data acquisition, processing, storing and displaying program have been written. The automobile working information is displayed on the displaying terminal and is stored so as to investigate after traffic accident, and to manage the vehicle scientifically.
The design of on-board digital instrument based on embedded technology is only an attempt for auto instrument’s digitization and the multi-information synthetic display. However, there still have many things to do before application.
Key words: embedded, digital instrument, PC/104, CAN-bus
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 论文的主要任务 1
1.2 国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3 论文研究的意义 2
1.4 本文研究的主要内容 3
2系统总体方案设计 4
2.1 系统的主要功能 4
2.2 系统总体方案设计原则 4
2.3 系统总体方案 5
2.4 关键技术分析 6
2.5 小结 7
3系统信号采集测量模块设计 8
3.1 信号采集测量模块总体设计 8
3.2 模拟量测量模块设计 8
3.2.1 水温传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 8
3.2.2 机油油温传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 9
3.2.3 燃油油量传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 9
3.2.4 机油油压传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 10
3.2.5 制动系油压传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 11
3.2.6 蓄电池电压传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 11
3.3 开关量测量模块设计 12
3.4 脉冲量测量模块设计 13
3.4.1 车速传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 13
3.4.2 发动机转速传感器的选择及其信号处理电路 13
3.5 小结 14
4系统硬件模块设计 15
4.1 下位机硬件总体设计 15
4.2 CAN总线简介 15
4.2.1 CAN总线的概念 15
4.2.2 CAN总线的特点 16
4.2.3 CAN总线的位数值表示方法与传输距离 16
4.3 微控制器P87C591 17
4.3.1 P87C591特性 17
4.3.2 CAN控制器 19
4.4 CAN收发器PCA82C250 20
4.5 定时/计数器8254 21
4.6 A/D参考电压电路 22
4.7 复位和时钟电路 23
4.8 CAN总线通信模块设计 23
4.9 电源模块设计 24
4.9.1 正电源模块设计 24
4.9.2 负电源模块设计 25
4.10 上位机硬件设计 26
4.10.1 上位机硬件总体设计 26
4.10.2 PC/104简介 26
4.10.3 硬件模块的选择 26
4.11 小结 28
5系统软件模块设计 29
5.1 下位机软件设计 29
5.1.1 下位机软件总体设计 29
5.1.2 下位机主程序设计 29
5.1.3 下位机各功能模块程序设计 30
5.2 上位机软件设计 32
5.2.1 Windows CE简介 32
5.2.2 虚拟仪器技术 32
5.2.3 软件开发环境 33
5.2.4 上位机软件总体设计 34
5.2.5 信息捕获模块程序设计 34
5.2.6 信息处理模块程序设计 35
5.2.7 信息存储模块程序设计 37
5.2.8 信息显示模块程序设计 37
5.3 小结 38
6系统抗干扰分析与设计 39
6.1 系统干扰分析与对策 39
6.2 硬件抗干扰设计 40
6.2.1 电源的抗干扰设计 40
6.2.2 长线传输的抗干扰设计 40
6.2.3 印刷电路板的抗干扰设计 40
6.3 软件抗干扰设计 41
6.3.1 数字滤波法 41
6.3.2 软件运行失常的抗干扰设计 41
6.4 小结 42
7总结 43
参考文献 44
附录A:部分程序清单 45