微张力控制器设计,摘 要z箍缩(z-pinch)靶是用于惯性约束聚变(icf)实验的。z-pinch所使用的环形丝阵负载要求某种规格的金属微丝沿圆柱面母线方向均匀排列。在丝阵负载装配的过程中,需要对将微丝张力控制在1~3g,张力过大,则会造成微丝的拉伸变形甚至是断裂,张力过小,则达不到实验要求。本课题所要设计的正是丝阵自...
此文档由会员 yongwei 发布微张力控制器设计
摘 要
Z-pinch is used for Inertial Confinement Fusion experiment. Annular wire-array in Z-pinch requires a certain kind of metal wire to arrange uniformly along it’s cylinder generatrix.During the assembly process of this wire-array,the tension of the metal wire must be controlled from 1g to 3g.Too large tesion will arose tensile deformation of the metal wire enven fracture,but too small tesion can not satisfy requirements of the experiment.We will design a microtension controller used in wire-array automated assembly system in this paper.
Up to now,small tesion control is always a hard problem in the control community.Countries all over the world also keep this as a secret,so there are no ready-made schemes provided for us to choose.
In this paper, at first we studied the development process and the present situation of tenion control at home and abroad,understood the basic principle of tenion control,studied and compared normal tension control shemes.Then we put forward a new control scheme:we firt enlarge the small tension to large torque,then we can detect the tesion of the metal wire through testing the angle deformation of a elastic element,at last wen control the tenion of the metal wire through feedback.
In the concrete design of this micotension controller,we chose RSER angular grating and RGH20 readhead as the part of sensor.The advantages of this digital sensor are high resolution and anti-jamming ability.The control core is a high speed data microprocessor.The actuator is a high sensitivity piezoelectric ceramics.
In addition,there are calculation of the mathematical model of the microtension controller, verification test, Optimum Design and the improvements of the microtension controller.
Keywords:microtension control,tension amplification,feedback control
目 录
摘 要 I
1 绪论 1
1.1 张力控制一般概念及意义 1
1.2 张力控制系统的国内外发展现状 1
1.3 课题来源和意义 2
1.4 本文主要研究的内容 3
2 张力控制系统一般理论 4
2.1 张力控制系统原理 4
2.1.1 开环控制原理 4
2.1.2 扰动补偿控制原理 4
2.1.3 直接张力闭环控制原理 5
2.1.4 复合控制原理 6
2.2 常用的张力控制方式 6
2.2.1 执行机构不同的张力控制方式 6
2.2.2 控制器不同的张力控制方式 7
2.2.3 调节手段不同的张力控制方式 10
2.2.4 传感检测形式不同的张力控制方式 10
3 系统设计 13
3.1 总体设计 13
3.2 重要零部件选用 15
3.2.1 光栅传感器 16
3.2.2 压电陶瓷 17
3.3 机构数学模型 17
4 优化设计与方案改进 22
4.1 转动惯量的优化 22
4.2 启动力矩优化 24
4.3 其余方案优化 25
5 实验 27
5.1 张力控制方案可行性实验 27
5.2 微张力控制器验证实验 28
6 总结与展望 30
6.1 总结 30
6.2 展望 30
参 考 文 献 32