工艺参数对在线发生镁合金载流气体品质影响研究(本科毕业论文设计),工艺参数对在线发生镁合金载流气体品质影响研究21000字 30页摘要熔融态的镁合金在空气中将迅速的氧化,以致表面产生燃烧。为阻止镁在熔炼、液态成形及热处理过程中的氧化,必须提供有效的阻燃保护措施。生产上常用的气体保护法是通过保护气体与镁合金反应生成的高致密度表面膜法来实现阻燃的。气体保护法的保护效果好、不污染镁熔体、熔...

此文档由会员 yongwei 发布
21000字 30页
Magnesium alloy melted is prone to oxidization and ignition in the air. In order to prevent the magnesium melt from oxidation and ignition in melting, casting and heat treatment processes, provision of an effective ignition-proof measurement is necessary. To do so, 1n industrial practice, shielding gases are used to form a dense film on the surface to separate the melt from air. To produce high-quality Mg melt, not only the film forming reactive component gas is important, but also the cost and quality of the carrying gas, the distributor of the reactive component gas.
In the present paper, the general status of carrying gas in Mg shielding gas and its application and technology are summarized first. The advantages and disadvantages of current techniques are discussed. Then, the influence of processing parameters on the quality of on-line generated magnesium alloy carrying gas is studied systematically with an industrial facility. By analyzing a large number of experimental data, the best parameter combination for optimal control of carrying gas quality is eventually identified.
Key words:magnesium alloy,on-line generation,carrying gas,process parameters
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
1绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2镁的特点 2
1.2.1镁的物理性能 2
1.2.2镁机械性能的优点 2
1.2.3镁机械性能的缺点 2
1.2.4镁加工性能的优点 2
1.2.5镁加工性能的缺点 2
1.3镁合金的性能及应用现状 3
1.3.1镁合金的特点 3
1.3.2镁合金的应用 4
2镁与介质的作用 5
2.1镁与氧气的作用 5
2.2镁与氮气的作用 5
2.3镁与水的作用 5
2.4镁的高温氧化机理 5
3镁合金的保护 7
3.1熔剂阻燃机理 7
3.2熔剂阻燃的缺点 7
3.3合金化阻燃 8
3.3.1合金化阻燃原理 8
3.3.2合金化阻燃实践 8
3.4气体保护法 9
3.4.1常用保护气体 9
3.4.2 SF6混合气体保护方法 9
4国内外气体保护研究的现状 11
4.1国外的研究情况 11
4.2国内研究情况 12
5镁合金保护气体在线发生技术 14
5.1基本原理 14
5.2 保护气体的阻燃保护机理 15
5.3保护气体的成分控制与调节 15
6镁合金气体保护载流气体技术 17
6.1镁合金对氮气的要求 17
7实验 19
7.1膜分离制氮原理及设备 19
7.2实验目的 20
7.3实验数据及处理结果 20
7.3.1气体温度对氮气纯度的影响 20
7.3.2膜组入口气压力对氮气纯度的影响 21
7.3.3输出氮气流量对纯度的影响 22
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
21000字 30页
Magnesium alloy melted is prone to oxidization and ignition in the air. In order to prevent the magnesium melt from oxidation and ignition in melting, casting and heat treatment processes, provision of an effective ignition-proof measurement is necessary. To do so, 1n industrial practice, shielding gases are used to form a dense film on the surface to separate the melt from air. To produce high-quality Mg melt, not only the film forming reactive component gas is important, but also the cost and quality of the carrying gas, the distributor of the reactive component gas.
In the present paper, the general status of carrying gas in Mg shielding gas and its application and technology are summarized first. The advantages and disadvantages of current techniques are discussed. Then, the influence of processing parameters on the quality of on-line generated magnesium alloy carrying gas is studied systematically with an industrial facility. By analyzing a large number of experimental data, the best parameter combination for optimal control of carrying gas quality is eventually identified.
Key words:magnesium alloy,on-line generation,carrying gas,process parameters
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
1绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2镁的特点 2
1.2.1镁的物理性能 2
1.2.2镁机械性能的优点 2
1.2.3镁机械性能的缺点 2
1.2.4镁加工性能的优点 2
1.2.5镁加工性能的缺点 2
1.3镁合金的性能及应用现状 3
1.3.1镁合金的特点 3
1.3.2镁合金的应用 4
2镁与介质的作用 5
2.1镁与氧气的作用 5
2.2镁与氮气的作用 5
2.3镁与水的作用 5
2.4镁的高温氧化机理 5
3镁合金的保护 7
3.1熔剂阻燃机理 7
3.2熔剂阻燃的缺点 7
3.3合金化阻燃 8
3.3.1合金化阻燃原理 8
3.3.2合金化阻燃实践 8
3.4气体保护法 9
3.4.1常用保护气体 9
3.4.2 SF6混合气体保护方法 9
4国内外气体保护研究的现状 11
4.1国外的研究情况 11
4.2国内研究情况 12
5镁合金保护气体在线发生技术 14
5.1基本原理 14
5.2 保护气体的阻燃保护机理 15
5.3保护气体的成分控制与调节 15
6镁合金气体保护载流气体技术 17
6.1镁合金对氮气的要求 17
7实验 19
7.1膜分离制氮原理及设备 19
7.2实验目的 20
7.3实验数据及处理结果 20
7.3.1气体温度对氮气纯度的影响 20
7.3.2膜组入口气压力对氮气纯度的影响 21
7.3.3输出氮气流量对纯度的影响 22
结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26