小半径弯管件成形工艺与模具设计(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要汽车、摩托车上大量应用着各种管件。随着技术的发展,各种管件的形状越来越复杂,例如小半径弯管件就是一个难点问题。本设计主要是根据工厂提供的图纸等技术资料,要求按照实际生产中冲压模具的设计方式完成小半径管件弯曲、局部成形的工艺与模具设计;在计算机上完成主要的设计内容,...
此文档由会员 yongwei 发布
摘 要
A large number of various pipes are used in vehicles, the development of technology, the shape of various pipes is increasingly complex,for example, one of the problems is to bend pipes with small radiu .This study is based on drawings or other technical information mainly provided by the factory,in accordance with the requirements of the actual production of stamping dies to complete the design of small radius of pipe bending,the process of part forming and die design; With a computer to complete the main design, including three-dimensional modeling, and the mapping assembly , parts, and other corresponding drawings. This article narrates the nature of the bending process, applications, and the industry's current situation and development trend , small bend radius of forming process and die design are analysised, the final adoption of comprehensive analysis and comparison to determine the best bending process programme.Two of the important steps for mould design and die parts are demolied. In the process of design and graphics, acknowledge are applied ,such as the engineering drawing, stamping process and die design, machinery manufacturing, engineering materials, and other knowledge.
Key words:Small bend radius, Bending die design, Extrusion die design, Mould Manufacturing Technology
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1绪论 1
1.1 管材成形发展现状 1
1.1.1管材弯曲 1
1.1.2 管材切割 1
1.2 管材成形发展趋势 2
1.2.1 管材弯曲研究发展的趋势 2
1.2.2管材塑性成形的发展趋势 2
1.3 设计目的及要求……………………………………………………………………………3.
1.3.1设计目的 3
1.3.2设计任务 3
1.3.3设计要求 3
2 零件成形性分析 4
2.1零件成形性分析 4
2.1.1结构及尺寸分析 4
2.1.2材料分析 5
2.2工艺分析 5
2.2.1可成形性分析 5
3 工艺设计及计算 7
3.1毛坯尺寸的计算 7
3.2工艺方案的确定和选择 8
3.3各工序的冲压力计算和设备选择 10
3.3.1弯曲成形力的计算 10
3.3.2挤压成形力的计算 11
3.4冲压工艺卡片 12
4 模具设计 13
4.1弯曲模 14
4.1.1工作过程 14
4.1.2工作部分零件 14
4.1.3弹簧的选用 16
4.1.4顶杆及下模座 16
4.1.5尺寸校核 16
4.2挤压成形模 17
4.2.1工作过程 17
4.2.2工作部分零件 17
4.2.3滑块及滑块零件的结构设计 19
4.2.4弹簧的选用 19
4.2..5橡胶的选用及计算 19
4.2.6斜锲及斜锲固定板的设计 19
4.2.7卸料螺钉及小导柱的设计 20
4.2.8凸模固定板的设计 20
4.2.9 导柱、导套的选择 20
4.2.10模架的选择 20
4.3模具材料的选用 20
4.3.1弯曲模具材料的选用 20
4.3.2挤压模具材料的选用 20
4.4模具热处理 21
4.5模具零件表面粗糙度及加工配合精度 21
5挤压模具凸模的制造工艺 22
5.1模具制造特点 22
5.2模具制造工艺 22
6 结论 24
7感谢词 25
参考文献 26
摘 要
A large number of various pipes are used in vehicles, the development of technology, the shape of various pipes is increasingly complex,for example, one of the problems is to bend pipes with small radiu .This study is based on drawings or other technical information mainly provided by the factory,in accordance with the requirements of the actual production of stamping dies to complete the design of small radius of pipe bending,the process of part forming and die design; With a computer to complete the main design, including three-dimensional modeling, and the mapping assembly , parts, and other corresponding drawings. This article narrates the nature of the bending process, applications, and the industry's current situation and development trend , small bend radius of forming process and die design are analysised, the final adoption of comprehensive analysis and comparison to determine the best bending process programme.Two of the important steps for mould design and die parts are demolied. In the process of design and graphics, acknowledge are applied ,such as the engineering drawing, stamping process and die design, machinery manufacturing, engineering materials, and other knowledge.
Key words:Small bend radius, Bending die design, Extrusion die design, Mould Manufacturing Technology
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1绪论 1
1.1 管材成形发展现状 1
1.1.1管材弯曲 1
1.1.2 管材切割 1
1.2 管材成形发展趋势 2
1.2.1 管材弯曲研究发展的趋势 2
1.2.2管材塑性成形的发展趋势 2
1.3 设计目的及要求……………………………………………………………………………3.
1.3.1设计目的 3
1.3.2设计任务 3
1.3.3设计要求 3
2 零件成形性分析 4
2.1零件成形性分析 4
2.1.1结构及尺寸分析 4
2.1.2材料分析 5
2.2工艺分析 5
2.2.1可成形性分析 5
3 工艺设计及计算 7
3.1毛坯尺寸的计算 7
3.2工艺方案的确定和选择 8
3.3各工序的冲压力计算和设备选择 10
3.3.1弯曲成形力的计算 10
3.3.2挤压成形力的计算 11
3.4冲压工艺卡片 12
4 模具设计 13
4.1弯曲模 14
4.1.1工作过程 14
4.1.2工作部分零件 14
4.1.3弹簧的选用 16
4.1.4顶杆及下模座 16
4.1.5尺寸校核 16
4.2挤压成形模 17
4.2.1工作过程 17
4.2.2工作部分零件 17
4.2.3滑块及滑块零件的结构设计 19
4.2.4弹簧的选用 19
4.2..5橡胶的选用及计算 19
4.2.6斜锲及斜锲固定板的设计 19
4.2.7卸料螺钉及小导柱的设计 20
4.2.8凸模固定板的设计 20
4.2.9 导柱、导套的选择 20
4.2.10模架的选择 20
4.3模具材料的选用 20
4.3.1弯曲模具材料的选用 20
4.3.2挤压模具材料的选用 20
4.4模具热处理 21
4.5模具零件表面粗糙度及加工配合精度 21
5挤压模具凸模的制造工艺 22
5.1模具制造特点 22
5.2模具制造工艺 22
6 结论 24
7感谢词 25
参考文献 26