投资性房地产准则在上市公司中的运用[开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书],摘 要投资性房地产是指为赚取租金或资本增值,或两者兼有而持有的房地产。在原会计制度下,投资性房地产按历史成本记入固定资产、无形资产、出租开发产品等会计科目,并按一定年限提取折旧或摊销。但是,这种计提折旧后的固定资产净值或摊销后的余额,往往...
原文档由会员 bshhty 发布投资性房地产准则在上市公司中的运用[开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书]
摘 要
关键词:投资性房地产 公允价值计量模式运用 上市公司
Refers to the investment real estate for generating rent or capital appreciation, or both and hold of real estate. In the accounting system, according to the historical cost of the investment real estate in fixed assets, intangible assets, lease product development, etc, and according to certain accounting of depreciation or amortization extraction. But, after the depreciation or amortization net value of fixed assets, the balance after often cannot reflect the real value of the investment real estate, the investment real estate through the years, the net book value, and less on the market, the disparity between reality. In 2006, the new accounting standards promulgated by the measurement of the investment real estate is a challenge. The new accounting standards to solve the accounting statements in the original list of the investment real estate, will be shown past the investment real estate separately, to report the reader of the investment real estate business enterprise management analysis provides a clear asset returns associated data. Listed companies using the fair value pattern, fair and objective measurement of the investment real estate enterprises to reflect the market value, and report to the reader understand this report of the asset management business. Based on the fair value measurement of the investment real estate in the necessity and feasibility of the application of analysis, and the implementation of the policy of enterprise assets, especially related to the processing of the listed company investment assets value associated with the impact of business performance, the thorough analysis and thinking, and discussed its application prospect.
Key words: The investment real estate ; The fair and equitable value measurement model; Listed companies
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
一 引言 2
(一)本文写作目的 2
(二)上市公司投资性房地产公允价值计量的重要意义 2
1.有助于参与国际上的竞争与合作 2
2.更好地反映投性房地产的市场价值和盈利能力。 2
3.新的计量模式有助于解决投资性房地产企业存在的问题 2
二 投资性房地产准则概述 4
(一)投资性房地产概述 4
(二) 新准则出台背景 5
三 投资性房地产准则在上市公司中的运用情况分析 6
(一)投资性房地产准则在上市公司中的运用情况 6
(二)投资性房地产公允价值模式对企业资产及利润的影响 8
(三)投资性房地产采用公允价值计量在实施中的问题 9
四 影响上市公司投资性房地产采用公允价值计量的因素分析 11
(一)公允价值理论层面的障碍 11
(二)市场环境的障碍 11
(三)企业自身原因 12
1.使用公允价值的成本较高。 12
2.出于对税收成本的考虑。 12
(四) 利润分配的影响 12
(五) 财务会计发展趋势的影响 13
五 上市公司采用公允价值计量方法的实施建议 14
(一)构造理论框架, 完善理论体系 14
(二)加快市场经济发展,完善市场环境 14
(三)制定税收优惠政策,鼓励公司采用公允价值模式计量 14
(四)企业需要完善自身条件,对相关信息进行准确评估 15
(五)鼓励上市公司积极履行社会责任。 15
六 总结 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 18