消费税的税收筹划[开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书],消费税的税收筹划【开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书】摘要 目前,国家颁布了诸多关于增值税、营业税和所得税的优惠政策,而关于消费税的税收优惠政策却较少。如何在有限的空间内尽可能降低消费税的纳税成本,对于增加企业营业利润,实现其财务目标——企业价值最大化,具有重要的现实意义。从国内外的研究现状来,影响消费税纳税...
原文档由会员 bshhty 发布消费税的税收筹划【开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书】
关键词:消费税 纳税筹划 划分 节税技巧
At present, the government issued a lot about the value added tax, business tax and income tax preferential policies, and about the tax preferential tax policies for less. In the limited space to reduce consumption tax cost, to increase profits, realize its financial goals - the maximization of enterprise value, have important practical significance. The research status from domestic consumption tax planning, the influence to the three major factors: one is the inherent demand; the taxpayer Second is the consumption tax planning, Three is to excise tax planning of social acceptance legal. In case, the main problems existing in the short-term behavior, pay attention to is insufficient to excise tax planning in the traditional economic system. Secondly is not really know tax planning and the fundamental difference between the tax, For tax planning for namely, only one-sided understanding of local, a specific steps or link operation, and ignore the tax planning to enterprises from the overall interests, to achieve long-term, stable DaJie tax benefits for the purpose. Tax planning is the development countermeasures to improve the relevant tax laws and regulations, strengthen, improve the awareness to pay tax propaganda, foreign tax planning, in combination with the research achievements of tax and economic environment, the establishment of China's tax planning theory system. This paper from the consumption tax planning for relevant section to explain, divided by specific skills, tax taxable goods by processing the tax planning and related cases were analyzed, the tax planning 34.2 discusses problems that should be paid attention to and take measures.
Keywords: Consumption ;tax planning ;division ;tax skills
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
引 言 1
一 消费税税收筹划概论 2
(一)税收筹划的定义 2
(二)消费税的定义 2
(三)对消费税进行筹划的划分 2
1.纳税人的筹划 2
2.计税依据的筹划 4
3.利用“临界点筹划”和税收优惠政策筹划 4
4.纳税环节的税收筹划 5
5.兼营行为的税收筹划 5
二 消费税税收筹划中存在的问题分析 7
(一)税收筹划没有把握好“度” 7
(二)没有在规定期限及地点纳税 7
(三)没有认真填写和保管好有关发票、凭证 7
(四)没有考虑成本——效益原则 8
三 消费税税收筹划的对策及建议 9
(一)适当扩大课税范国 9
(二)适当调整消费税的税目税率 9
(三)将消费税的价内税改为价外税 9
(四)对部分消费品的课税实行生产、消费两道环节征税方法 9
四 案例分析 11
(一)委托加工业务的税收筹划技巧 11
1.筹划原理 11
2.案例分析 11
3.结论与启示 12
(二)通过企业合并,减轻消费税 13
五 总结 15
参考文献 16
致谢 17