中交二航局二公司内部财务控制制度的调查与分析[开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书],中交二航局二公司内部财务控制制度的调查与分析【开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书】摘 要内部财务控制制度对一个企业能否良好的运转起着重要的作用,它是企业加强经营管理、提高经济效率的重要手段。但我国对内部财务控制制度的研究是从上世纪80年代才开始的,足足晚了西方国家40年,加之我国企业的内部财务控制制度长期松散...
原文档由会员 bshhty 发布中交二航局二公司内部财务控制制度的调查与分析【开题报告+论文+外文及翻译+文献综述+任务书】
摘 要
关键词:内部财务控制 会计制度 调查分析
The internal control system plays an important role in the operation of the enterprises, while it is the important means by which the enterprises use to strengthen management and improve the economic efficiency. However, the study of internal financial control system just began at the 80’s of the 20th century, which was 40s later than western countries. In addition, our enterprises have always been loose about the internal financial control system, some even don’t have scientific internal financial control system. It’s indicated that enterprise must be establish the accounting rules from its realities, along with the new accounting rules implemented at 2007,it brings a huge challenge to establish our internal financial control. In this circumstance, it’s an urgent need to enhance enterprises’ internal financial control.
In this paper I adopted the means of talking, inquiry and survey to deeply study overall enterprise in the Second Branch Company of the Second Navigation Bureau of China Transportation, especially the work procedures of financial department. I was acquainted with the internal financial control system, analyzed and provided some improvement advices about the questions existed in the internal financial control, expecting to consummate the internal financial control system in the enterprise.
Key word: Internal Financial Control; Accounting System; Investigation and Analysis
目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
一 导论 1
(一)选题的目的及其意义 1
(二)研究的思路及内容体系 1
二 问题设计及调查手段与方法 3
(一)问题设计 3
(二)调查手段及方法 3
三 中交二航局二公司内部财务控制现状调查结果及分析 4
(一)中交二航局二公司的概况 4
(二)中交二航局二公司内部财务控制现状调查结果及分析 5
四 改进措施 13
(一)完善公司治理结构,提供良好的内部财务控制环境 13
(二)构筑严密的企业内部财务控制体系 13
(三)建立内部财务控制考核与评价体系,树立风险防范意识 13
(四)结合企业的业务流程,加强企业信息化建设,提高内部控制效率 14
(五)关于内部审计工作的解决建议 14
五 总结 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17