基于食品冷链的果蔬类农产品的安全问题研究【文献综述+外文翻译+开题报告+任务书+论文+实习报告,】目 录1 绪论 ................................................................... 32 基本概念 ...............................

原文档由会员 bshhty 发布基于食品冷链的果蔬类农产品的安全问题研究【文献综述+外文翻译+开题报告+任务书+论文+实习报告】
目 录
1 绪论 ................................................................... 3
2 基本概念 ............................................................... 3
2.1 现代物流 .......................................................... 3
2.2 生鲜农产品 ........................................................ 3
2.3 农产品物流 ........................................................ 4
2.4 食品供应链管理 .................................................... 4
2.5 冷链及冷链管理 .................................................... 4
2.5.1 冷链 ......................................................... 4
2.5.2 冷链管理 ..................................................... 5
2.5.3 食品冷链物流 ................................................. 5
2.5.4 果蔬冷链物流 ................................................. 5
2.6 农产品质量安全 .................................................... 5
2.7 食品可追溯系统 .................................................... 6
3 果蔬特性及果蔬冷链特点 ................................................. 7
3.1 果蔬特性 .......................................................... 7
3.1.1 果蔬的特殊商品属性 ........................................... 7
3.1.2 鲜活性和易腐性 ............................................... 7
3.1.3 时效性和地域性 ............................................... 8
3.1.4 品种多数量大 ................................................. 8
3.2 果蔬冷链特点 ...................................................... 8
3.2.1 不可分割性 ................................................... 8
3.2.2 速度快 ....................................................... 9
3.2.3 复杂性 ....................................................... 9
3.2.4 不确定性 ..................................................... 9
3.2.5 要求高难度大 ................................................ 10
3.2.6 投资大成本高 ................................................ 11
4 果蔬物流中冷链技术组成及结构层次分析 .................................. 11
4.1 果蔬物流中应用的冷链技术组成 ..................................... 11
4.1.1 果蔬物流链上的技术组成 ...................................... 11
4.1.2 果蔬冷链技术所涉及的技术领域 ................................ 12
4.2 果蔬流通各环节中应用的冷链技术 ................................... 12
4.2.1 果蔬物流在产地应用的冷链技术 ................................ 12
4.2.2 果蔬物流在加工包装过程应用的冷链技术 ........................ 13
4.2.3 果蔬物流在储存运输中应用的冷链技术 .......................... 13
4.2.4 果蔬物流在销地应用的冷链技术 ................................ 14
4.3 果蔬物流中冷链物流技术的结构层次 ................................. 14
4.3.1 果蔬物流中冷链技术的组合 .................................... 15
4.3.2 每一个环节的技术问题体现层次性 .............................. 15
5 果蔬安全保障措施的建立及其实施方法 .................................... 16
5.1 果蔬的贮藏过程中的问题与对策 ..................................... 16
5.1.1 产品结冰 .................................................... 16
5.1.2 生鲜产品萎凋,苹果类产品表面发皱 ............................. 16
5.1.3 某些产品表面潮湿或发汗 ...................................... 16
5.1.4 果蔬类提早成熟、变色 ........................................ 16
5.1.5 生鲜产品有异味 .............................................. 17
5.1.6 生鲜产品腐烂 ................................................ 17
5.2 推广全程冷链物流 ................................................. 17
5.3 运用HACCP体系监测冷链物流 ....................................... 17
5.3.1 HACCP体系的基本原理 ......................................... 17
5.3.2 运用HACCP体系监测冷链物流的步骤 ............................ 18
5.4 运用可追溯体系追踪................................................ 19
结论 .................................................................... 22
谢辞 .................................................................... 23
参考文献 ................................................................ 24
Based on food cold chain of the safety of fruits and vegetables
Abstacts:After reform and opening, there is rapid economic development in rural areas, and agricultural products on the rise. Today, with the continuous improvement of the production technology, the key issue of the agricultural development is not planting and processing, but transferred to the circulation. Agricultural logistics has many links, the logistics channel is not smooth, low level management, and the backwardness of storage and transportation conditions are not conducive to agricultural products. In order to avoid the low efficiency, high cost and a serious loss, and in order not to affect the agricultural products circulation of these factors, it is imperative to solve the problems and it is important to develop the agricultural cold chain. In addition, there is increasing concerned about food safety and the safety of agricultural is the people are most concerned about. In this paper, I make the fruits and vegetables as the research object of cold chain. With the research methods of literature and the crossover study of two areas of logistics and food, I have an object analysis and in-depth thinking of the composition and development of fruits and vegetables’ cold chain. By analyzing the characteristics of fruits and vegetables and the cold chain, to identify susceptible to problems of the cold chain and propose a solution of these problems that will be Conducive to fruit and vegetable safety. The freshness and timeliness of fruits and vegetables can restrict the cold chain not to develop as easily as other supply chain, while there is a challenge to its security issues. Through HACCP and traceability, the cold chain will be better. Besides, through monitoring the cold chain and recording relevant information, we can protect the quality of the fruits and vegetables.
Key words:Fruits and Vegetables; Cold Chain; Food Safety