原文档由会员 bshhty 发布基于WebGIS的管线资源管理系统
本文将首先讨论系统实现相关的技术支撑,研究WebGIS平台的搭建和3D WebGIS的实现技术。对现存成熟的WebGIS平台的结构进行分析,在此基础上提出自己的实现架构。本课题将涉及复杂的数据库读取、用户交互等操作。文中系统设计部分,将展开描述系统实现的模块划分,并给出上述问题的解决方案。3D WebGIS是借助于Google Earth中间件实现,系统只完成模型描述文件的生成工作。所有地图数据和3D描述文件都是在客户端请求后,由服务端自动生成,并写回客户端。
关键词 管线资源;中间件;WebGIS;3D WebGIS
For the past ten years, along with the fast development of China mobile services, the mobile network's capacity and scale hava expanded unpredictably. Pipeline resources, such as duct segments, wells, poles, and sling segments, have already become one of the most important basic facilities in modern city.
There are many kinds of pipeline resources. Consequently they are urgently needed to be managed in a uniform way. That's why most of the filiales of China Mobile are planning to construct and to promote Pipeline Resource Management System. The system under discussion is entrusted by Suzhou Mobile Filiale, and it will be applied within the entire Jiangsu Province at the end of 2008.
The system is built on the WebGIS platform; users mostly interact with 2D maps. The client is permitted to do typical WebGIS related operations(including "zoom in", "zoom out", "revert", and "move"), besides, it can view and inquire each kind of pipeline resources, and users may choose certain facilities to locate in 3D environment.
This paper firstly discusses the technology related to the system, and studies on WebGIS platform and implementation of 3D WebGIS. After analyzing extant WebGIS platform, a new implementation will be put forward. The article involves complex interactions with users and complicated operations of database. The system design part contains module division and solutions to these complex problems. Google Earth contributes to the 3D WebGIS implementation, acting as kind of middleware. Therefore, the system only needs to generate 3D modeling files. All the map data and 3D modeling files are produced automatically by server according to the client’s request, and will be written to the client.
Keywords Pipeline resources, Middleware, WebGIS, 3D WebGIS
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的学术背景及研究意义 1
1.2 与课题相关的国内外应用状况 2
1.3 相关领域的研究进展及成果 4
1.4 课题的来源及主要研究内容 8
1.4.1 课题来源 8
1.4.2 本文研究的主要内容 8
第2章 设计思想和框架结构 9
2.1 WebGIS的设计思想 9
2.1.1 WebGIS的优势 9
2.1.2 WebGIS的研究和实现策略 9
2.1.3 WebGIS平台上管线管理系统的框架结构 13
2.1.4 中间件的应用 15
2.1.5 WebGIS数据装载的速度优化 15
2.2 3D WebGIS 16
2.2.1 概述 16
2.2.2 Google Earth的二次开发 17
2.2.3 KML概述和语法 17
2.3 客户端和服务器的协作 19
2.3.1 UseCase概述 19
2.3.2 UseCase详述 19
2.4 本章小结 27
第3章 WebGIS管线资源管理系统的设计 28
3.1 服务端代码组织 28
3.1.1 包的详细设计 29
3.1.2 类的详细设计 30
3.2 客户端设计 37
3.2.1 界面描述 37
3.2.2 ActiveX控件实现详细设计 38
3.3 本章小结 39
第4章 WebGIS管线资源管理系统的实现 40
4.1 服务端模块划分 40
4.1.1 生成地图 40
4.1.2 数据库查询 41
4.1.3 生成3D展示KML 43
4.2 客户端模块划分 44
4.2.1 交互页面 44
4.2.2 3D展示的交互 49
4.3 本章小结 52
第5章 测试及验收 53
5.1 单元测试 53
5.1.1 单元测试计划的制定 53
5.1.2 单元测试的实施 53
5.1.3 代码管理方法 54
5.2 系统测试 54
5.3 验收测试 54
5.4 本章小结 54
结论 55
参考文献 57
致谢 58