

公务员激励模式研究,——从薪酬待遇分析我国公务员激励模式摘 要政府公务员的激励是公务员管理的重要内容,在现代市场经济日趋发达的今天,人民的生活生产水平已经大大地提高,公务员作为劳动者的一分子,薪酬待遇是其劳动和服务的所得,其薪酬问题不仅是经济问题、社会问题,也是一个政治问题。公务员薪酬体系的设计,不仅影响到公务员自身的生...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 bshhty 发布


摘 要


            Discusses the system of stimulation of official from
the official’s salary and rewards system
 The system of stimulation of government official is an important part in official managements. Nowadays, with the development of social economy, the people’s live standard has been improved. Government official is also a laborer. Salary and rewards are also the income of work and service. The salary and rewards are not only an economic problem, a social problem, but also a political problem. The design of official’s salary and rewards system  not only influence official’s live standard, but also affect the stability of the ranks of the civil servants and their work enthusiasm directly,but also concern the efficiency and fairness of the public administration, even will affect therelationship of the social public and the governmentthe and the whole country. So, in here, I explore the basic states of official salary and rewards from the angle of salary and rewards. My goal is to analyze and eva luate official’s salary and rewards system. I hope I can make my due contribution to the system of stimulation of government official’s development and improvement.
Key words: stimulation, salary and rewards, government official

摘 要 II
引 言 1
一、公务员激励与薪酬的基本理论 2
(一)激励的基本理论 2
(二)公务员薪酬的基本内涵 2
(三)公务员薪酬激励的作用 3
二、当前我国公务员薪酬激励的基本状况与问题 5
(一)我国公务员薪酬激励传统历史的不利影响 5
(二)公务员薪酬管理体制缺少依据和细则 6
(三)薪酬改革相对滞后,薪酬制度缺乏透明度 6
三、完善我国公务员薪酬待遇结构,促进公务员队伍建设 9
(一)以“经济人”为假设,注重公务员的利益原则 9
(二)借鉴新加坡政府“高薪养廉”中的监督机制的经验,健全现有的监督机制,并在此基础上构建多币的纵横交错的立体监督体系。 10
(三)以企业员工工资水平为“坐标”,对公务员工资实行调查制 11
五、结论 13
参考文献: 14
致谢 15