plc 在应用中应注意的问题[外文翻译].doc


plc 在应用中应注意的问题[外文翻译],plc 在应用中应注意的问题[外文翻译]包括了英文原文和中文翻译英文:9100字中文:2800字plc which should pay attention in the application is specially the control device which serves for the industria...
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此文档由会员 清泠泠水 发布

PLC 在应用中应注意的问题[外文翻译]



PLC which should pay attention in the application is specially the control device which serves for the industrial production, usually does not need to take any measure, may use directly in the industry environment. But, when the production environment is too bad, the electromagnetic interference is special intense, or installs uses improper, cannot guarantee PLC the normal operation, therefore should pay attention to the following question in the use.
First, Siemens PLC maintenance
1, maintenance procedures, equipment, periodic testing, adjustment provisions
(1) half-yearly or quarterly inspection PLC cabinet terminal connections, and if time to re-loose strong local connection;
(2) of the cabinet to the host power supply voltage of the monthly re-survey work;
Second, the provisions of cleaning equipment on a regular basis
(1) every six months or a quarter of the PLC to clean, cut off power to the PLC power supply to the power rack, CPU board and input / output board in turn be removed to purge, clean and then in turn installed in situ, will all link to resume evacuation call and start the host PLC. PLC box carefully sweeping health;


PLC 在应用中应注意的问题

1、 保养规程、设备定期测试、调整规定
(1) 每半年或季度检查PLC柜中接线端子的连接情况,若发现松动的地方及时重新坚固连接;
(2) 对柜中给主机供电的电源每月重新测量工作电压;
2、 设备定期清扫的规定
(1) 每六个月或季度对PLC进行清扫,切断给PLC供电的电源把电源机架、CPU主板及输入/输出板依次拆下,进行吹扫、清扫后再依次原位安装好,将全部连接恢复后送电并启动PLC主机。认真清扫PLC箱内卫生;
(2) 每三个月更换电源机架下方过滤网;
3、 检修前准备、检修规程
(1) 检修前准备好工具;
(2) 为保障元件的功能不出故障及模板不损坏,必须用保护装置及认真作防静电准备工作;