此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布
摘 要
Eliminating harmonic pollution and improving power factor are a very important task in the field of power electronics.Due to advantage of three-phase PWM rectifier like higher power factor and lower harmonic pollution, the research of three-phase PWM rectifier is becoming the researching hotspot on international and native. So it is significant to bring it to the DC traction power supply system for urban mass transit.
At first ,this passage designs the main circuit and calculate the parameters of the Boost type Three-phase PWM Rectifier. From the control point of view, through a comparative analysis of selection, we choose the direct current control and SVPWM current decoupling control method of three-phase voltage-type PWM rectifier dual closed-loop control, including voltage loop (outer) single-neuron PID control, current loop ( inner ring) is still using the traditional PI regulator . As the neural network with adaptive and self-learning ability, the use of neural network PID controller for the traditional post-transformed single neuron PID, control of complex industrial control systems have a better control effect, can effectively improve as a result of system structure and parameters of change in control resulting from the situation of instability
Finally, the establishment of the whole system Simulink simulation model, their simulation analysis, through simulation results show the single neuron-based PWM control of three-phase PWM rectifier in the subway, light rail, such as DC traction power supply in the feasibility for traction rectifier ,also verify that their application for the proposed control method and system parameter design method.
Keywords:Three-phase voltage PWM rectifier ; Space vector PWM (SVPWM); Double cyclic control system; single neuron PID
目 录
1概述 1
1.1城轨交通直流牵引供电系统 1
1.2城轨交通牵引变电所的整流装置 3
1.2.1整流技术相关知识和整流技术的发展 3
1.2.2谐波与功率因数定义 4
1.2.3牵引变电所整流机组 4
1.3 PWM控制整流器研究概况 5
1.3.1 PWM控制整流器的发展 5
1.3.2 PWM整流器工作原理 5
1.3.3 PWM整流器的分类 7
1.4人工神经网络的基本概念及特点 8
1.4.1 神经元结构及神经元信息处理机理 8
1.4.2人工神经元的数学模型 10
2轨道交通直流牵引变电所整流器主电路拓扑数学模型的建立及参数的计算 11
2.1 主电路拓扑结构的选择及其数学模型的建立 11
2.1.1三相VSR一般数学模型 12
2.1.2三相系统的矢量描述和坐标变换 13
2.1.3 (d q)坐标系下的三相VSR数学模型 15
2.2三相VSR系统参数的设计与仿真 17
2.2.1 VSR直流侧与交流侧电压的确定与分析 17
2.2.2 VSR交流侧电感的分析与设计 18
2.2.3 VSR直流侧电容容量的分析与设计 21
2.2.4 轨道交通直流牵引供电换流器的参数计算 22
3轨道交通直流牵引供电整流器控制系统的设计 23
3.1 PWM整流器的控制策略 23
3.2 单神经元自适应PID控制器 24
3.2.1单神经元自适应PID原理 24
3.2.2单神经元自适应PID控制器的实现 25
3.2.3复合型单神经元PID 29
3.3三相VSR控制系统的双闭环控制设计 30
3.3.1电流内环控制系统设计 30
3.3.2基于单神经元PID控制的电压外环控制系统设计 35
4三相VSR的 SVPWM调制技术及其算法实现 39
4.1.三相两电平VSR空间电压矢量分布及合成 40
4.2 SVPWM驱动信号生成算法及其仿真 42
4.2.1一种线电压控制策略的多电平通用的空间矢量算法原理简介及实现 43
4.2.2基于MATLAB的两电平算法的仿真试验 45
5 轨道交通直流牵引供电系统测试与仿真 49
5.1基于复合单神经元PWM控制与单神经元PWM控制的轨道交通直流牵引供电系统的仿真比较分析 51
5.2基于复合单神经元PWM控制的系统交流侧ID、IQ分析 53
5.3 系统负载突变时仿真分析 54
5.4系统交流侧输入电流谐波分析 56
5.5系统在有源逆变工作状态下性能分析 56
6 结论…………………………………………………………………………...58
7 参考文献……………………………………………………………………...59
Eliminating harmonic pollution and improving power factor are a very important task in the field of power electronics.Due to advantage of three-phase PWM rectifier like higher power factor and lower harmonic pollution, the research of three-phase PWM rectifier is becoming the researching hotspot on international and native. So it is significant to bring it to the DC traction power supply system for urban mass transit.
At first ,this passage designs the main circuit and calculate the parameters of the Boost type Three-phase PWM Rectifier. From the control point of view, through a comparative analysis of selection, we choose the direct current control and SVPWM current decoupling control method of three-phase voltage-type PWM rectifier dual closed-loop control, including voltage loop (outer) single-neuron PID control, current loop ( inner ring) is still using the traditional PI regulator . As the neural network with adaptive and self-learning ability, the use of neural network PID controller for the traditional post-transformed single neuron PID, control of complex industrial control systems have a better control effect, can effectively improve as a result of system structure and parameters of change in control resulting from the situation of instability
Finally, the establishment of the whole system Simulink simulation model, their simulation analysis, through simulation results show the single neuron-based PWM control of three-phase PWM rectifier in the subway, light rail, such as DC traction power supply in the feasibility for traction rectifier ,also verify that their application for the proposed control method and system parameter design method.
Keywords:Three-phase voltage PWM rectifier ; Space vector PWM (SVPWM); Double cyclic control system; single neuron PID
目 录
1概述 1
1.1城轨交通直流牵引供电系统 1
1.2城轨交通牵引变电所的整流装置 3
1.2.1整流技术相关知识和整流技术的发展 3
1.2.2谐波与功率因数定义 4
1.2.3牵引变电所整流机组 4
1.3 PWM控制整流器研究概况 5
1.3.1 PWM控制整流器的发展 5
1.3.2 PWM整流器工作原理 5
1.3.3 PWM整流器的分类 7
1.4人工神经网络的基本概念及特点 8
1.4.1 神经元结构及神经元信息处理机理 8
1.4.2人工神经元的数学模型 10
2轨道交通直流牵引变电所整流器主电路拓扑数学模型的建立及参数的计算 11
2.1 主电路拓扑结构的选择及其数学模型的建立 11
2.1.1三相VSR一般数学模型 12
2.1.2三相系统的矢量描述和坐标变换 13
2.1.3 (d q)坐标系下的三相VSR数学模型 15
2.2三相VSR系统参数的设计与仿真 17
2.2.1 VSR直流侧与交流侧电压的确定与分析 17
2.2.2 VSR交流侧电感的分析与设计 18
2.2.3 VSR直流侧电容容量的分析与设计 21
2.2.4 轨道交通直流牵引供电换流器的参数计算 22
3轨道交通直流牵引供电整流器控制系统的设计 23
3.1 PWM整流器的控制策略 23
3.2 单神经元自适应PID控制器 24
3.2.1单神经元自适应PID原理 24
3.2.2单神经元自适应PID控制器的实现 25
3.2.3复合型单神经元PID 29
3.3三相VSR控制系统的双闭环控制设计 30
3.3.1电流内环控制系统设计 30
3.3.2基于单神经元PID控制的电压外环控制系统设计 35
4三相VSR的 SVPWM调制技术及其算法实现 39
4.1.三相两电平VSR空间电压矢量分布及合成 40
4.2 SVPWM驱动信号生成算法及其仿真 42
4.2.1一种线电压控制策略的多电平通用的空间矢量算法原理简介及实现 43
4.2.2基于MATLAB的两电平算法的仿真试验 45
5 轨道交通直流牵引供电系统测试与仿真 49
5.1基于复合单神经元PWM控制与单神经元PWM控制的轨道交通直流牵引供电系统的仿真比较分析 51
5.2基于复合单神经元PWM控制的系统交流侧ID、IQ分析 53
5.3 系统负载突变时仿真分析 54
5.4系统交流侧输入电流谐波分析 56
5.5系统在有源逆变工作状态下性能分析 56
6 结论…………………………………………………………………………...58
7 参考文献……………………………………………………………………...59
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