基于aspnet的在线购物系统的毕业设计论文与实现,目 录摘 要iabstractii第1章 绪论31.1 开发背景以及课题意义31.2 系统开发环境的选择51.3 系统数据库环境的选择6第2章 系统分析72.1 可行性分析72.2 系统功能需求分析82.2.1 销售模块功能需求分析82.2.2 系统管理模块功能需求分析...

此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布基于aspnet的在线购物系统的毕业设计论文与实现
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 开发背景以及课题意义 3
1.2 系统开发环境的选择 5
1.3 系统数据库环境的选择 6
第2章 系统分析 7
2.1 可行性分析 7
2.2 系统功能需求分析 8
2.2.1 销售模块功能需求分析 8
2.2.2 系统管理模块功能需求分析 9
2.3 数据流程分析 10
第3章 系统设计 12
3.1 总体结构设计 12
3.2 模块功能设计 12
3.2.1 销售模块 12
3.2.2系统管理模块 14
3.3 数据库设计 15
3.3.1 概念结构设计 15
3.3.2 逻辑结构设计 16
3.3.3 数据表详细设计 17
第4章 系统实现 21
4.1 系统公共类的实现 21
4.1.1 数据库操作类的实现 21
4.1.2 购物车类的实现 23
4.2 销售模块的实现 24
4.2.1 销售模块基本框架的实现 24
4.2.2 销售模块特价商品功能的实现 26
4.2.3 销售模块购物车功能的实现 27
4.3 系统管理模块的实现 28
4.3.1 系统登录功能的实现 28
4.3.2 商品管理功能的实现 29
4.3.3会员管理功能的实现 31
4.4 实现效果评价 31
结 论 33
参考文献 34
摘 要
With the fast development of the Internet technology, the relationship between people’s life and Internet is becoming more and more intimate. How to grasp commercial opportunity through the Internet is becoming an important topic. The E-Commerce represent the developing direction of the future type of trading. It’s application and popularization will bring great benefit to the society and economic. So,the development of a system which is able to implement online shopping is becoming an immediate necessity.
The paper mainly introduced the Online Shopping System based on Internet, detailed introduced some thoughts and method of system analysis,system design and database analysis.Besides,in the chapter of system design,author listed the detailed algorithm of how to implement online shopping.The system rely on Web server and client’s broswer,making use of the electronic instrument’s characteristics of high-efficiency and low-cost,providing a trading flat for client,release bussiness information in the Internet,enable the user to look up, search,subscribe goods.Providing the client with full-time,better,faster space of commercial activity.
The paper completed the system’s initial mentality of designing more entirely from which the author learned a lot of experience.
Key words: E-Commerce,Online Shopping, ASP.NET