基于cs的多用户在线考试系统,基于cs的多用户在线考试系统摘 要随着现代教学改革的深入和计算机信息管理的飞速发展,教学的各个方面都向系统化、规范化、自动化的方向发展。面对传统的人工出题不仅费时费力而且效率低的弊端,有必要开发使用计算机来管理试题并可以自动出题、组卷的软件系统——试题库管理系统,以提高教育教学的工作质量,提高教师的工作效率。通过这样的...

此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布基于CS的多用户在线考试系统
摘 要
考试系统选用 SQL Server 2000 作为后台数据库,利用功能强大的visual studio 2005应用程序作为网站的开发软件,采用的.net技术使生成动态交互式Web主页的工作变得十分简单。同时对.net、IIS(Internet Information Server)等关键技术进行了探讨。
With the deepening of modern teaching reform and the rapid development of computer information management, all aspects of teaching develop to the systematic, standardized and automated direction. Faced with the traditional title of not only laborious and time-consuming but also shortcomings of low efficiency, it’s a need to develop the software system ---- Item Management System, which uses computers to manage the test and automatically create test paper to enhance the quality of their work in the education and teaching and their work efficiency. Through such a system, we may be able to manage the test in a standardized way, create a test paper and the volume scientifically, search the test quickly, thus reduce the workforce of teachers and improve the efficiency and quality of teaching.
Item Management System is a typical management information system, whose system development mainly includes two aspects:database planning design and maintenance, the client application development. With regard to the former setting up a database with integrity and consistency, it has a certain degree of data security, while the latter claims a friendly process interface, full function, easy to use and needs a peculiarity of operating the popular software and so on.
Item Management System includes system management, examination questions management, examination paper management, curriculum management, and other modules.
The way that non-paper examination based on computer technology substitutes for tradition manual examination has recently become an active research field.
The network examination can carry out the real meaning of the examination without the paper, not only is a demand that constructs the economy society, at the same time the network examination but also has fast, convenience, efficiently, safety etc. many advantages, examination of reliability, effects can raise consumedly. Currently, the attestation of international last examination, if the attestation of the company of Sun examination, the Cisco attestation examination all adopted this kind of way, therefore, adoption standardize the network examination method will be later the trend of the examination development.
An on-line examination system based on network, database and .net technology is proposed. The system has the feature of convenient utilization and simple operation, and it realizes the functions such as multi-users on-line examination, time control, automatic paper reading, paper subject inputting and modification, user’s management and score management etc. Take the function of no-paper examination for example, it provides examination for every authorized student and gives the score timely.
This system choose Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as its background database ; powerful Adobe Dreamweaver as the software which is used to develop the web site; The technology ASP adopted by this web site make lovely dynamic interactive. Web home page easier. Finally, this system discusses following key technologies: .net, IIS, (Internet Information Server) etc.
In point of realizing, make use of ADO package of ASP to connect the web page to the database. Make use of match of the word section to realize student’s log-in and teacher’s management of the log-in function. Make use of SQL sentence to realize the function that can select the test results and the paper detail.
The system accomplishes the assignment of requested teaching reform project and achieves the goal of predigesting exam process.
Key Words: Examination System,ASP,.net,Generation papers,Database,C/S
目 录
前 言 1
1 绪论 2
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 2
1.1.1 课题研究的背景 2
1.1.2课题研究的意义 3
1.2 在线考试系统的研究现状 4
2 相关技术和理论 7
2.1 ASP技术介绍 7
2.1.1 ASP的原理 7
2.1.2 ASP的特点 8
2.1.3 ASP的常用内建对象 8
2.1.4 ADO组件 10
2.2 ACCESS数据库简介 11
2.3 开发工具Dreamweaver8简介 12
2.4 IIS 12
2.4.1 IIS的特点 12
2.4.2 IIS 的功能 14
2.5 Visual studio 2005 15
2.5.1 visual studio 2005的特点 15
2.5.2 C\S架构 16
3 系统可行性分析与需求分析 17
3.1 可行性分析 17
3.2 需求分析 18
4 系统整体设计 20
4.1系统开发平台和开发工具 20
4.1.1系统平台 20
4.1.2 Web服务器平台 20
4.1.3 应用开发工具 21
4.2 系统功能 23
4.2.1 考生子系统的功能 23
4.2.2 教师子系统的功能 24
4.2.3评分系统功能 24
4.3 数据库设计 25
4.3.1 数据库设计概念 25
4.3.2数据库设计方法及准则 25
4.3.3 数据结构设计 26
4.4 系统安全机制的研究 27
4.4.1 安全隐患分析 27
4.4.2 提高安全性的方法 28
5 系统详细设计及功能介绍 30
5.1 系统流程图 30
5.2 各模块分析 31
5.2.1考生登录模块 31
5.2.2 教师管理模块 32
5.2.3 在线考试模块 34
6 系统测试 36
6.1 测试目标 36
6.2 测试方法 36
6.3 测试总结 37
结 论 38
致 谢 40
参考文献 41