

基于rfid技术的图书信息采集系统设计,基于rfid技术的图书管理信息采系统设计摘要 目前,在我国的图书管理工作中,[主要应用条码识别技术,它具有成本低、操作简单的特点,但也存在局限性,如必须人工借助读写设备进行数据的采集,常因条码、阅读器质量发生误读和拒读等问题,影响了借阅效率和服务质量。射频识别(即radio frequency identificati...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布


摘要 目前,在我国的图书管理工作中,[主要应用条码识别技术,它具有成本低、操作简单的特点,但也存在局限性,如必须人工借助读写设备进行数据的采集,常因条码、阅读器质量发生误读和拒读等问题,影响了借阅效率和服务质量。射频识别(即Radio Frequency Identification,以下简称技术是RFID)是一项利用射频信号通过空间耦合交变磁场或电磁场实现无接触信息传递并通过所传递的信息达到识别目标的技术。它将特殊的信息编码写入电子标签,标签被粘贴在需要识别的产品或器件上,写入时间比打印条码少;标签的内容可以动态改变;能够同时处理多个标签;标签的数据存取有密码保护,安全性更高。无需重新制作新的标签,可重复使用。
关键词 嵌入式系统  STC11F32XE   射频识别  RS232  MFRC500  LCD
Design Of Information Collection Of Book With RFID Technology
Abstract Presently,the management of China's books, the main application of bar code identification technology, it has a low cost, easy to operate features, but there are also limitations, such as the equipment must be manually read and write data through the collection, due to bar code , the quality of reader misreading occurred and refused to read and so on, affect the efficiency and service quality to borrow. Radio Frequency Identification (ie, Radio Frequency Identification, hereinafter referred to as technology is RFID) is a radio frequency signal through the use of space coupled alternating magnetic field or electromagnetic fields to achieve non-contact transmission of information through the message to reach target identification technologies. Special information will be encoded into the RFID label has been pasted in the need to identify the product or device, the write time less than print barcode; survival data label password-protected access, higher security. No need to re-create a new label, can be reused.
The design of the subject of a radio frequency identification technology-based library information collection system. to replace the traditional library management system using bar code + magnetic stripe technology, the book makes non-contact information collection more quickly and accurately. The use of RFID technology in the library can borrow or return bulk of the books to deal with, you can achieve an instant, non-contact complete. Embedded RFID library management system can greatly enhance the efficiency of library management.
First of all the topics on the principles of RFID technology has done a detailed overview, based on this information collection on the library system to build the hardware platform.
Secondly, the issue in the hardware platform for the expansion of the LCD information display, FLASH is used to store Chinese characters ASCII code and documentation, MFRC500 for hardware such as radio frequency identification circuit, and eventually build a hardware platform of the system.
Finally, with reference to the subject and MFRC500 data provided by STC11F32XE manual, the next-bit software for design analysis and encoding, in order to achieve micro-controller of radio frequency identification chips to control the various operations.
Key words Embedded system   STC11F32XE    RFID  RS232  MFRC500  LCD

目  录
第1章 概述 1
1.1 课题研究背景与意义 1
1.2嵌入式系统的发展现状 3
1.3国内外RFID技术的发展现状 3
1.4课题的主要工作内容 4
第2章  RFID技术及应用概述 5
2.1 概述 5
2.1.1 RFID系统的构成 5
2.1.2 RFID技术的基本工作原理 5
2.2 MIFARE ONE非接触式电子标签 6
2.2.1 Mifare One电子标签的工作原理 6
2.2.2 Mifare One电子标签的存储结构 7
2.3 RFID技术在图书馆的应用 8
第3章 图书馆信息采集系统硬件设计 10
3.1STC11F32XE微控制器 10
3.2图书信息采集系统的总体硬件设计 11
3.2.1 UART串口通信接口设计 11
3.2.2  LCD液晶扩展 12
3.2.3 存储器扩展 13
3.2.4 其他接口设计 13
3.3 STC11F32XE和MFRC500接口设计 14
3.3.1 MFRC500芯片的功能结构 14
3.3.2 MFRC500芯片主要引脚简介 15
3.3.3  STC11F32XE和MFRC500芯片接口设计 16
第四章  图书馆信息采集系统的下位机软件设计 18
4.1  图书采集系统和PC机通信帧格式的设计 19
4.2  MFRC500读写模块的设计、实现与调试 20
4.3 MFRC500读写模块设计 22
第五章 软硬件测试 25
5.1测试环境 25
5.2编写测试用例并测试 25
第六章 结论 34
致  谢 35
参考文献 36