基于php技术鱼场网站的设计与开发,基于php技术鱼场网站的设计与开发摘 要近年来网络不断地发展成熟。基于因特网的网络营销已经不断的成为一种新的企业营业方式。如今网络对于中小企业来讲,网络能给它们带来许多新的机遇和挑战,它能够解决中小企业面临的许多困难和问题。对于如何利用好网络资源进行自己产品的推广与销售是企业重中之重。网络可以为企业开辟更广泛的市场空...
此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布基于PHP技术鱼场网站的设计与开发
摘 要
关键词:PHP技术 网站设计
Based on the technology of PHP in fish farms web design and realization of the site
In recent years, developing constantly mature network. Based on the Internet network marketing has become a new kind of continuous business enterprise. Now for small and medium-sized enterprise network, the network can give them bring many new opportunities and challenges, it can solve the small and medium-sized enterprises facing many difficulties and problems. How to make good use of network resources for our products promotion and sales is important. For the enterprise network can open wider market space. Due to the competition information in enterprise's competitive advantage is playing a more and more important role in the information age of fierce competition, the enterprise how to utilize the network, as well as expand your market product marketing, whether can be the important condition of success. On one hand, the real-time interactive network, sharing with other media, etc. The incomparable virtues, and promote enterprise's rapid development. On the other hand, the network to provide a broader market. This is a project of the company website, fish farms in the source language, using PHP/Mysql Apach + + (PHP gold) quickly, and through the construction site of the website information related to the establishment of the company. To further improve the transmission speed and expand information through the network to promote and market, with different communication and trade, benefit.
Based on how to design and build a small company website, made a comprehensive system is introduced. The chapter 7, according to the order of development, from the system requirements and analysis of the development process and introduced. In this chapter, system design of function module part of the program code removes troublesome, with intuitive and easy to read, and enhanced the graph article readability. In the process of writing, this paper combining with the practical project, link theory with practice and theory is applied in practice.
Key words: PHP web technology Website design
目 录
前 言 1
第1章 概述 2
第1.1节 制作背景 2
第1.2节 制作意义 2
第1.3节 开发工具简介 3
第2章 可行性分析 5
第2.1节 B/S结构介绍 5
第2.2节 MySQL 数据库 7
第2.3节 PHP 技术 8
第3章 需求分析 10
第3.1节 总体功能需求分析 10
第3.2节 网站具体功能模块需求分析 11
第3.3节 网页结构图 12
第3.4节 网页版面规划 13
第3.5节 网页布局技术 15
第4章 数据库设计 16
第4.1节 数据库概念结构设计 16
第4.2节 数据库逻辑结构设计 18
第5章 人机界面设计 20
第5.1节 前台主页界面设计 20
第5.2节 前台产品展示页面设计 24
第5.3节 前台资讯页面设计 25
第5.4节 前台留言页面设计 26
第5.5节 后台管理页面设计 27
第5.6节 程序设计语言 28
第5.7节 部份源程序实现及文件 29
第6章 网站测试 33
第6.1节 测试网站的建立 33
第6.2节 网页发布测试及维护 34
结 论 36
参考文献 37
致 谢 38
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