

学员综合信息管理系统的设计与实现,摘 要随着全球化市场竞争的加剧和商业运作快速反映的要求,企业必须学习更快速有效地利用知识参与竞争。因此,很多企业开始将自身知识转化为能力的增长看作是迎接竞争的一项重要生产力。企业的不断的学习能够帮助企业更快地适应市场环境的飞速变化,调整分配企业组织的人力资源分布,形成高效的企业组织单元,...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布


摘 要
学员综合信息管理平台就是为能更方便的和高效的管理企业员工课程学习的计划 而开发的。其主要目的就是充分利用现有的电脑的较高的效率和准确性以及友好的应用界面来达到预期的效果。该系统主要有两大部分所组成,一个是培训中心所操作的管理平台,另一个是客户平台进行操作的应用模块。所用到的开发工具是eclipse和Oracle数据库。



The Design and Implementation of System of Student Information Management

The request reflected with aggravation of the globalization market competition and commercial operation fast. The enterprise must study and utilize knowledge to participate in the competition effectively more fast. However, enterprises begin and transform the growths of ability regard as important thing. The constant study of the enterprise can help the enterprise to adapt to the changing at full speed of the market environment faster meet the important productivities of competition one's own knowledge’s, adjusted the manpower resources assigning the enterprise to organize and was distributed. Form the high-efficient enterprise and organizes the unit, finish the operation task of the enterprise better. Train already becomes the modernized important sign of the enterprise.            
System of student information management can not have been the convenient and a high-efficient staff of management enterprise courses the plans of studies but developments. Its main purposes to utilize relatively and friendly application interface reach the anticipated result accuracy high efficiency existing computer fully. This system has two major parts that form mainly. One is the management end that training center platform, another one is that the customer platform on the application module which selects the lesson. Using eclipse and Oracle carries on system.
The training center mainly carries on course offered, achievement inputting, inquiring staff's information and printing statistical report form, etc. The user who carries on the management has different authorities to different establishment. In case that not in charge of users and revise the important data. Its authority should have already been defined when being systematic through the login. The user who carries on the management has different authorities to different establishment. In case that not in charge of users revises the important data. Its authority should have already been defined when being systematic through the login.
The system frame is Browser and Service. The role management of this system was achieved by the different purview. Student login the system and then look at homepage that they can modify their personal information and search some information of course and job information and so on.

Key words: mis;administrative systems of training;oracle;eclipse;


目 录

The Design and Implementation of System of Student Information Management 3
Abstract 3
1.绪论 6
1.1 系统开发环境 6
1.2 系统开发的背景及意义 7
1.3系统开发的相关技术 7
2.相关知识 8
2.1 java EE平台介绍 8
2.2 开源框架Struts Hibernate Spring的介绍 8
2.3 oracle的介绍与安装 9
2.3.1oracle介绍 9
2.3.2oracle 安装 10
2.4 eclipse访问oracle的原理及JDBC简述 24
2.5 eclipse 中 tomcat的配置 25
2.6 web服务器tomcat的安装与使用 25
3 可行性研究 28
3.1 可行性研究任务 28
3.2 系统的可行性 28
4 学员综合信息管理系统的开发与部署 28
4.1需求分析 28
4.1.1整体说明 28
4.1.2具体功能 29
4.2系统结构图与用例图 36
4.2.1系统结构图 36
4.2.2 用例图 37
4.2.3 模块列表 37
4.3数据库的建立与数据字典的说明 38
4.4 主要模块简介 38
4.4.1 学员个人管理模块 38
4.4.2班级与学员管理模块 39
4.4.3 财务管理模块 40
5 关键技术 41
5.1异常的处理 41
6 总结 42