英语词汇学习策略 英语论文.doc
英语词汇学习策略 英语论文,英语词汇学习策略 毕业论文abstractcontent: vocabulary is one of the most basic elements of a language. in order to find the efficient ways of learning vocabulary, vocabulary...

此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布英语词汇学习策略 毕业论文
Content: Vocabulary is one of the most basic elements of a language. In order to find the efficient ways of learning vocabulary, vocabulary learning strategies have been studied for decades of years. Now it is a hot issue in the study of language learning strategies. Lots of research has been done both abroad and in China. The recent years has witnessed the development in both breadth and depth of this area in China, which has greatly enriched the understanding of vocabulary learning process of the Chinese students.
But the studies at home mainly select non-English college students as their subjects. The present research attempts to study the English vocabulary learning strategies used by English majors. The study is based on the classification of English vocabulary learning strategies from O’Malley and Chamot, which contains metacognitive, cognitive, social and effective strategies. Through a questionnaire to 60 English majors of Jiujiang University, the study finds that English majors are now employing a good amount of strategies. Advanced learners are more prone to use various strategies and they have great flexibility in learning strategies while less advanced learners are not so flexible.
The author gives advises that teachers should play their role as guide in vocabulary teaching and help excavate students’ interest in vocabulary learning. Learners should not just copy other’s strategies but find their own effective strategies.
Key words: learning strategies; vocabulary learning strategies; effectiveness
但是国内多数研究都是针对非英语专业学习者,本研究是针对英语专业学习者。建立在欧麦力和萨默特对于词汇学习策略的分类,包括元认知策略、认知策略、社会情感策略基础上,通过对九江学院 60名英语专业学生的问卷调查,作者发现英语专业的学生运用多种词汇学习策略。优秀的学习者更倾向于运用各种各样的策略而且他们对于策略的运用有更大的灵活性,成绩欠佳的学习者对于策略的使用则欠灵活。
关键词:学习策略; 词汇学习策略; 有效性
1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Importance of Vocabulary Learning in English Language……………………..1
1.2 Significance of the Study……………………………………………………….1
2 Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………2
2.1 Research into Learning Strategies..................................................................................2
2.2 Classification of Learning Strategies……………………………………………4
2.3 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Research Abroad and in China………………..6
3 The study………………………………………………………………………....11 3.1 The Subjects Utilized in the Study…………………………………………….11
3.2 The Methodology Utilized in the Study……………………………………….11
3.3 Analysis and Conclusion………………………………………………………12
3.3.1 The Basic Condition of VLS in English Learning of English Majors……14
3.3.2 The Differences of VLS between Advanced Learners and Less Advanced Learners……………………………………………………………………14
3.3.3 Conclusion………………………………………………………………...15
4 Effective choices of VLS…………………………………………………………..15
4.1 Factors Affecting VLS Choices………………………………………………..15
4.2 Ways of Effective Choices of VLS…………………………………………….17
5 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………18