优秀毕业论文_教务综合信息系统,摘 要随着信息网络技术的飞速发展,教务网络化在教育领域发挥越来越重要的作用。教务综合信息系统是高校教学、教务管理应用软件。熟悉教务管理工作的全部过程,从教务工作的实际出发,解决工作中关键性的难点问题,并充分利用计算机网络功能,实现教务工作全过程的计算机管理,帮助具体管理人员从复杂烦琐工作中...
此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布优秀毕业论文_教务综合信息系统
摘 要
本文主要介绍了“基于WEB教务综合信息系统”的设计、开发、实现过程。系统使用ASP技术,采用Dreamweaver MX 2004 和SQL Server 2000工具,在Windows XP平台下开发完成。论文首先概述了本系统使用的主要技术和开发工具,以及它们的特点。从不同角度阐述了系统的需求分析、功能分析以及系统安全性分析三方面内容,以期对其能够有一个较为全面的认识。第一,论文阐述了系统总体结构设计及系统功能实现,从模块的角度对系统功能进行分析、描述,介绍了数据库设计和页面流程等;第二,论文对部分公用文件功能及实现进行了描述;第三,论文介绍了系统综合测试、结果及评价,并提出了进一步完善的思路。
关键词: 教务网络化;教务工作;模块;框架;分页
With the rapid information network technology development, academic network in the field of education play an increasingly important role. The Senate is an integrated information system of teaching, academic management applications. Senate familiar with the management of the entire process, from the academic work of the actual conditions, solve the critical work of the difficult issues, and make full use of the computer network functions, achieving academic work of the whole process of computer management, management of specific help from the tedious work of the liberation of complex Out. Educational administration to make paperless office and standardized, and modern management.
This paper presents a "WEB-based integrated information system the Senate," the design, development, implementation process. ASP system, using Dreamweaver MX 2004 and SQL Server 2000 tools in Windows XP platform developed. First of all papers outlining the system used by major technology and development tools, and their characteristics. From different angles on the system needs analysis, functional analysis and security of the system in three areas of content, with a view to to have a more comprehensive understanding. First, the papers described the overall structure of the system design and realization of system functions, from the perspective of the module system for analysis, description, introduced the database and page design process, and second, some papers on the common document function and achieve a Description; third, papers on the integrated system testing, and eva luation of the results and made further improve the line of thought.
"Senate integrated information system" in the field of teaching management is a relatively important system, which teachers and students in the gap between the Senate and a bridge. In the process of developing the key technology used ADO data access technology, technical framework, paging technology, developed the software makes a good system scalability, maintainability.
Keyword: Network-based teaching; The educational administration work; module; framework; tabbed
目 录
引言 1
1 系统需求分析和总体设计 2
1.1 系统需求分析 2
1.2 系统体系结构设计 2
1.3 开发工具的选择 2
1.3.1 Dreamweaver MX 2004 3
1.3.2 SQL server 2000 4
1.4 使用的主要技术 5
1.4.1 ASP技术 5
1.4.2 JavaScript技术 7
1.4.3 SQL语句 8
1.5 系统安全风险分析 8
2 数据库结构设计与实现 10
2.1 数据库备份 10
2.2 数据库设计 10
2.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 11
3 功能实现 13
3.1 设计规划 13
3.1.1 设计原则: 13
3.1.2 动态网页开发环境: 13
3.2 系统功能模块实现 14
3.2.1 信息浏览模块 14
3.2.2 导航条模块 15
3.2.3 用户登陆、信息搜索、友情链接模块 15
3.2.4 信息详细浏览模块 18
3.2.5 管理员登陆模块 18
3.2.6 教务信息管理模块 18
3.2.7 下载管理模块 20
3.2.8 实验管理模块 22
3.2.9 用户管理模块 23
3.2.10 用户使用管理模块 24
4 系统部分公用文件和函数的功能介绍及分析 27
4.1 数据库连接功能页CONN.INC 27
4.2 格式控制函数“HTMLCODE()” 27
4.3 修改密码中输入确认“CHECK()” 27
5 软件测试 29
6 总结与展望 31
谢 辞 32
参考文献: 33