10t桥式起重机起升机构设计研究(本科毕业论文设计),10t桥式起重机起升机构设计研究(本科毕业论文设计)摘 要桥式起重机在工业中占据一个至关重要的角色。在世界上成千上万的船舶码头、建筑工地、钢铁厂、仓库、核动力站、垃圾废旧贮藏工厂以及其他大工业中心都有使用它们。这种省时、有效的操作处理体系对工业生产有着重要的贡献。正因为如此,改善起重机的操作效率是非常有价值的。本次设计...

此文档由会员 cglina 发布10T桥式起重机起升机构设计研究(本科毕业论文设计)
摘 要
Bridge cranes occupy a crucial role within industry. They are used throughout the world in thousands of shipping yerds, construction sites, steel mills, warehouses,nuclear power and waste storage facilities, and other industrial complexes. The timeliness and effectiveness of this manipulation system are important contributors to industial productivity. For this resson, improving the operational effectiveness of crane can be extremely valuable.
For the purpose, I will discuss the ways how the coil and the hoisting shelf designed in the 3D CAD software——SolidWorks2006, and research the principle and the way how CAD does, and put forward the way and the 3D CAD project which is using to develop the bridge crane hoisting shelf and the coil——the key part of the hoisting machine——on SolidWorks 2005 software plant. I will form models and assemble and do FEA to the hoisting shelf and the coil.
I will complete three function modules the spare parts store and the assembly store and the FEA module in 3D CAD system of the hoisting shelf and the coil in this engineer. The spare parts of the coil and the hoisting shelf are designed in the spare parts store, which can carry out the scientific managing of the spare parts and parametrical designing of the standard spare parts. The spare parts will be assembled in the assembly store, and be done FEA, and then, we will get the stress and displacements of the hoisting shelf with the loads acting on it. It has some significance for the design of bridge carne hoisting vehicle.
Keywords:Bridge cranes ,SolidWorks2006,CAD,Spare parts store, Assembly store,FEA
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1绪论 1
1.1课题的目的及意义 1
1.2 本章小结 3
2 SolidWorks与COSMOSWorks简介 4
2.1 SolidWorks简介 4
2.1.1 SolidWorks的概述 4
2.1.2 SolidWorks软件的特色 4
2.2 COSMOSWorks简介 6
2.1.1 COSMOSWorks基本介绍 6
2.1.2COSMOSWorks功能和特点 6
2.3本章小结 8
3桥式起重机小车起升机构的总体设计计算 9
3.1 桥式起重机小车的构造 9
3.2 小车起升机构的总体设计计算 10
3.2.1 确定起升机构传动方案,选择滑轮组和吊钩组 10
3.2.2 选择钢丝绳 10
3.2.3 确定滑轮主要尺寸 11
3.2.4 确定卷筒尺寸,并验算强度 11
3.2.5 选择电动机 14
3.2.6 验算电动机发热条件 14
3.2.7 选择减速器 15
3.2.8 验算起升速度和实际所需功率 15
3.2.9 校核减速器输出轴强度 15
3.2.10 选择制动器 16
3.2.11 选择联轴器 17
3.2.12 验算起动时间 17
3.2.13 验算制动时间 18
3.2.14 高速浮动轴计算 19
3.3 本章小结 22
4 卷筒部件的设计计算 22
4.1 卷筒 22
4.2 联接盘 22
4.3 卷筒轮毂 23
4.4 卷筒轴、轴承及轴承座 24
4.5 钢丝绳在卷筒上的固定装置 25
4.6 卷筒部件设计计算 27
4.6.1 卷筒轴设计计算 27
4.6.2 选择轴承 28
4.6.3 绳端固定装置计算 30
4.7 本章小结 31
5 卷筒及小车架的三维零件库 32
5.1 卷筒部件的三维零件库 32
5.2小车架的建模 34
5.3本章小结 37
6 桥式起重机小车架和卷筒心轴的有限元分析 38
6.1 有限元分析法(FEA) 38
6.1.1 有限元法简介 38
6.1.2 利用COSMOSWorks进行有限元分析 38
6.2 小车架基于COSMOSWorks的有限元分析 39
6.2.1 小车架的受力分析计算 39
6.2.2 小车架的有限元分析 41
6.3 卷筒心轴基于COSMOSWorks的有限元分析 48
6.3.1 卷筒心轴的受力分析计算 48
6.3.2 卷筒心轴的有限元分析 48
6.4 本章小结 55
7 结论与致谢 56
参考文献 57