80t履带起重机臂架设计研究(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要履带起重机是工程起重机行业的一个重要门类,是现代工程建设施工中不可缺少的大型设备之一。臂架作为履带起重机的主要承载结构件,尤其是在大吨位履带起重机中,其设计和制造质量直接关系着起重机的整机安全性。长臂架刚度小,起臂工况下,二次变形易引起结构失稳而导致起臂失败,造成臂...

此文档由会员 cglina 发布80t履带起重机臂架设计研究(本科毕业论文设计)
摘 要
Crawler crane is one of the necessary equipments and weightily type in project construction at hoist industry. As main bearing weight structure of the crawler crane, the
design and manufacture quality for boom system are important to the safety of the whole machine, especially for the great tonnage cranes. The failure of the boom raised and damage to the boom result from the little rigidity of the long boom. The auxiliary bracing is a vital factor in the boom system. The deflection and the bearing weight condition can be improved obviously.
Crawler crane is a mobile crane for lifting operation, lifting can be used to transport materials, equipment and installation of plant and other operations. Crawler crane has low grounding pressure, small turning radius and large climbing ability. It also can adapt to poor ground. Crawler crane has a large lifting capacity, kinds of combination for the length of the arm and large operating range.It also performs well in lifting. Just because of all this characters it has,crawler crane has the incomparable advantages which other types of cranes do not have.However, because it always works in the complicated situation, the reasonable design and simulation is necessary.This essay mainly talks about how to make a rational design for the boom of 80t crawlar crane and to creat the model of the boom with the designing size,then using ansys software to make finite element analysis and modal analysis for the model of the boom.
Key words:Crawler Crane; Boom System;Static Analysis; Modal Analysis
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 履带式起重机发展概述 1
1.1.1国外履带式起重机发展现状 1
1.1.2国内履带式起重机发展现状 3
1.1.3履带式起重机发展趋势 4
1.2起重机现代设计方法概述 5
1.3课题的提出与意义 8
1.3.1课题的提出 8
1.3.2课题的意义 8
2 履带式起重机及其臂架系统 10
2.1履带式起重机简介 10
2.2履带式起重机臂架组合方式与工作原理 12
2.3起重机计算工况 13
2.4臂架有限元分析 14
2.4.1结构简化 14
2.4.2有限元离散 14
2.4.3载荷处理 15
2.5本章小结 17
3 有限元法及ANSYS分析系统 18
3.1 有限元法 18
3.1.1有限元法的基本思想 18
3.1.2有限元法的基本要素 18
3.1.3有限元法的典型分析步骤 18
3.1.4有限元法的特点 19
3.2 ANSYS有限元分析软件 19
3.2.1 ANSYS分析软件 19
3.2.2 ANSYS的主要功能 20
3.2.3 ANSYS的主要技术特点 20
3.2.4有限元分析流程 21
3.3本章小结 23
4 80t履带式起重机臂架的设计计算 24
4.1选择臂架材料 24
4.1.1垂直载荷Q 24
4.1.2起升绳拉力S 26
4.1.3图解法求轴向力P 27
4.1.4校核臂架截面积 27
4.2臂架截面积的计算 29
4.2.1臂架的计算长度lcx 与lcy的计算 29
4.2.2臂架的回转半径 31
4.2.3臂架的截面尺寸计算 33
4.3校核构件长细比λh 33
4.4本章小结 34
5臂架模型的建立及有限元结构分析 35
5.1模型的建立 35
5.1.1确定建模方法 35
5.1.2建立模型 37
5.2选择单元类型 39
5.3网格划分 41
5.4约束及载荷处理 42
5.5求解及计算结果分析 46
5.6本章小结 48
6模态分析 49
6.1模态分析介绍 49
6.2有限元模态分析的基础 50
6.3模态分析的步骤 50
6.4臂架模态分析 52
6.5臂架模态计算结果分析 56
6.6本章小结 56
7结论与展望 57
致谢 58
参考文献 59