950热轧带钢生产线卷取机力能参数校核及总体设计,(本科毕业论文设计)摘 要在现代热连轧带钢生产中,卷取机是轧钢车间的重要辅助设备,已广泛应用于带材和线材生产中。轧钢生产实践证明,卷取机的工作状态直接影响着轧机,特别是热连轧机生产能力的发挥。目前国内大多数钢铁企业使用的较先进的卷取机多数都是国外进口的,国内还没有完全独立...

此文档由会员 cglina 发布950热轧带钢生产线卷取机力能参数校核及总体设计(本科毕业论文设计)
摘 要
Coiler is of great importance to the modem production of hot rolling strips, which has been widely applied to strip and wire production. Rolling practice showed that coiling machine working conditions directly influence the mill efficiency, In particular mill productivity play.
At present, the more advanced coilers which used in domestic steel industry are all foreign-made, but whole down coiler couldn’t be designed independently in China, which is caused by a string of reasons: deficiency of research, lack of data, relatively poor command of technical model control and etc. So we must mend our pace of technology reformation to replace imported equipments, it is imperative to enhance the capability of global design of metallurgical equipments and accelerate the chnoloical reformation and improve the localization of the large-scale manufacture of metallurgical equipments. This paper mainly contains the following parts:
This paper is the corporation’s 950 Chuanwei hot strip production line for the study, as the product specifications must change its production line coiling machine improvements, this paper focuses on checking coiling machine, rollcompaction of the correct selection and control, directly related to the coiling process can not strip skid to reel in tight rolls, coiling on the strip surface quality of coiling a crucial role to play. Therefore, we must accurately select and control roll clamping force. Generally considered roll clamping force and coiling temperature, the strip thickness, width strip, drum diameter, strip materials, strip thickness and width of the strip roll compress the impact even more pronounced. Because of the complexity of calculating, has long been the lack of impact of these parameters on the system, Through these factors on the Roll of compress selected for the role of analysis, reasonable selection Roll clamping force is very necessary.
The conclusions and the methods used in Chuanwei will offer the technical basis; It can also offer the reference for the problem resemble.
Key words: Hot rolling, Coiling machine, Roll, Compress, Check
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 热轧带钢卷取设备概念 1
1.2 热轧带钢卷取机控制方式简介 2
1.3 热轧带钢卷取机的发展与研究现状 3
1.3.1 国外热轧带钢卷取机的发展与研究现状 3
1.3.2 国内热轧带钢卷取机的发展与研究现状 4
1.3.3热轧带钢卷取机的发展趋势 7
1.4 卷取机助卷辊控制系统概述 7
1.4.1 卷取机助卷辊踏步技术简介 7
1.4.2 卷取机助卷辊踏步控制系统功能 8
1.5 课题的来源、内容及意义 9
1.5.1 课题背景及来源简介 9
1.5.2 课题主要内容及意义 10
2 卷取机分类、结构及技术性能参数 11
2.1 卷取机的分类及结构 11
2.1.1 卷取机的分类 11
2.1.2 卷取机的结构 11
2.2 卷取机技术性能参数 13
2.3 卷取机机组的组成 14
2.4 本章小结 14
3 卷取机各设备的工作原理与结构特征 15
3.1 1号卷取机入口辊道 15
3.1.1 1号卷取机入口辊道用途 15
3.1.2 主要技术参数 15
3.1.3 结构特征 15
3.2 1号卷取机入口侧导板 15
3.2.1 1号卷取机入口侧导板用途 15
3.2.2 主要技术参数 15
3.2.3 工作原理 16
3.2.4 结构特征 16
3.3 1&2号夹送辊 17
3.3.1 夹送辊的用途 17
3.3.2 主要技术参数 17
3.3.3 工作原理 18
3.3.4 结构特征 18
3.4 1&2号卷取机 19
3.4.1 卷取机的用途 19
3.4.2 主要技术参数 19
3.4.3 工作原理 21
3.4.4 结构特征 21
3.5 本章小结 23
4助卷辊压力的传统计算方法 24
4.1 传统方法中卷取张力的确定式 24
4.2 传统方法中助卷辊压紧力的确定方法 24
4.3 本章小结 27
5 电动机轴上总力矩的计算公式 28
5.1带钢卷取张力力矩M张 28
5.2 带钢弯曲力矩M弯 28
5.3 卷筒机械摩擦力矩M摩 28
5.4 卷筒加、减速的动力矩M动 29
5.5 卷取机上电动机轴上的总力矩M总 29
5.6 本章小结 29
6 助卷辊能力校核 30
6.1 1#、2#助卷辊的压紧力 30
6.2 助卷辊电机校核 34
6.2.1 电机功率的计算 34
6.2.2 材料为Q235时电机功率校核 34
6.2.3 材料为Q345时电机功率校核 35
6.3 1#、2#助卷辊万向接轴的校核 35
6.3.1 万向接轴最大转矩的计算 35
6.3.2 万向接轴的转矩校核 36
6.4 本章小结 36
7 夹送辊及卷取机能力校核简述 38
7.1 夹送辊能力校核简述 38
7.2卷取机能力校核简述 38
7.3本章小结 39
8 结论 40
参考文献 41