950热轧带钢生产线卷取机设备能力校核及部件设计,(本科毕业论文设计)摘 要地下卷取机是卷取带钢的重要设备,其用途是吧轧制后的成品热轧带钢卷成钢卷。该设备广泛应用在带钢热连轧线、薄板坯连铸连扎线和中板坯连铸连扎线。现今我国各大钢铁企业所使用的地下卷取机都是从国外进口,由于该设备的使用即改造具有很大的紧急效益和社会效益,为...
此文档由会员 cglina 发布950热轧带钢生产线卷取机设备能力校核及部件设计(本科毕业论文设计)
摘 要
Down coiler is one of the most important equipment for coiling strip. It is used to coil hot strip into coiled steel, and widely used in hot strip mill, thin and middle hickness slab cast&rolling mill。
At present, all down coilers used in large steel enterprises of our nation were imported. It has great economic benefit and social benefit to apply and maintain this equipment. So, domestic steel enterprises must have the ability to design down coiler in whole independently.Under the circumstance, China National Erzhong Group Co. took on the researching task,which is the corporation’s 950 Chuanwei hot strip production line for the study, as the product specifications must change its production line coiling machine improvements ,together with Chongqing University aimming at fundamentally solving the basic design problem for down coiler from theory. This paper mainly contains the following parts:
Firstly, the moments that the coiling motor offers must be calculated. It consists of bending moment, friction moments, tension moments, and inertia moments. Inertia moment, which is the most complex, is the stress of this part. At first, the model of the reel block and its transmission components must be established. Then the revolving angular acceleration also has to be established. According to the above two factors, the inertia moment expression can be concluded finally. Adding the four moments, we can get the requested moment of the coiling motor,and based on the moment,we can get the requested power of the coiling motor.
Secondly, the pressure of the coil wrapper and the factors that act on the pressure must be analyzed. The practical requirements in construction may be met through the analysis on the intensity of the hydraulic cylinder。
Finally,this paper analyze the main parameter of bottom pinch roll model that we have created include: the diameter of top-bottom pinch rolls and the distance between two centers of bottom pinch roll and mandrel.
In this researching task, it is applied that not only the basic knowledge such as mechanics of materials mechanics, higher mathematics, steel rolling engineering, but also the modernistic design software such as MATLAB、Pro/E.In addition, it is provided with the implemental function, which can help technical personnel analyze and testify the disciplinarian of the parameters and the rationality of the certain result.
The conclusions and the methods used in Chuanwei will offer the technical basis; It can also offer the reference for the problem resemble.
Key words:Hot rolling, Colier, moment, Pressure force of the coil wrapper rolls,check
目 录
摘 要 I
1 热轧带钢卷取机介绍 1
1.1 热轧带钢卷取机简述 1
1.2 热轧带钢卷取机的分类 2
1.2.1按其助卷辊数目分为: 2
1.2.2按其卷筒结构分: 2
1.2.3按其滑架移动方式分: 2
1.2.4按其布置形式分: 2
1.3 卷取机结构 2
1.3.1侧导板 2
1.3.2夹送辊 3
1.3.3助卷辊 3
1.3.4卷筒 3
1.3.5卸卷小车 4
1.3.6打捆机 4
1.3.7运输链 4
1.4 卷取机卷取工艺 4
1.4.1卷取准备 4
1.4.2带钢卷取 4
1.4.3卷取机切换 6
1.4.4卷取系统的控制 6
1.5 卷取机发展的趋势 6
1.6 课题来源、背景 7
1.7卷取机的技术性能参数 7
2 弹塑性变形理论基础 9
2.1 弹性变形理论 9
2.2 塑性变形理论 10
3 弯曲过程惯性力矩补偿 12
3.1 力矩分析 12
3.2 惯性力矩的分析及推导 13
3.3 卷筒及传动部分转动惯量计算 14
3.3.1卷筒各组成部分建模 14
3.3.2电机轴上总转动惯量的计算 15
3.4 带钢的转动惯量及其变化率的分析 16
3.5 卷筒转角速度及其随时间变化率的分析 17
3.6 卷取机总惯性力矩补偿 18
3.6.1总惯性力矩的计算 18
3.6.2总惯性力矩随时间的变化曲线 19
3.7 本章小结 20
4 电机总负载力矩 21
4.1 张力矩 21
4.2 弯曲力矩 23
4.2.1弯曲过程中带钢变形的分析 23
4.2.2 弯曲力矩的确定 23
4.3摩擦力矩 24
4.4电机总负载力矩的计算 26
4.5卷筒电机校核 27
4.6本章小结 28
5 助卷辊的运动及受力分析 29
5.1 助卷辊运动过程分析 29
5.2 助卷辊压紧力的确定方法 29
5.3 助卷辊压力校核 32
5.4 影响助卷辊压力的因素 32
5.4.1冲击力的影响 32
5.4.2带厚、带宽、卷取温度和带钢材料的影响 32
5.5 本章小结 33
6 夹送辊结构参数的确定 34
6.1 对夹送辊装置的工艺要求 34
6.2下夹送辊直径的确定 34
6.3下夹送辊中心与卷筒中心相互位置的两个参数的确定 35
6.3.1垂直距离A值的求解 36
6.3.2水平距离B值的确定 36
6.4 本章小结 37
7 结论 38
参 考 文 献 39