

2000kn单动液压机工作台结构分析及优化设计,2000kn单动液压机工作台结构分析及优化设计(本科毕业论文设计)摘 要 液压机是压力加工的重要设备,已成为锻造行业必不可少的设备之一。随着新工艺及新技术的应用。液压机在金属加工及非金属成形方面的应用越来越广泛。 论文在综合了国内外液压机资料,详细分析了2000kn液压机工作台结构的强度和刚度的基础上,对2000kn液...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cglina 发布


摘    要








    Hydraulic pressure is a major processing equipment, and has become one of the essential equipment of the forging industry. With the new process and new technology applications, the application of hydraulic pressure in the metal processing and non-metallic forming is more and more extensive.
   Papers in the Composite hydraulic machine at home and abroad, and detailed analysis of the 2000 KN hydraulic table , optimize the design of the  2000 KN hydraulic table , obtain a a desired results scheme  that strength and  rigidity  meet the requirements and need  material least.
   Papers uses ANSYS finite element analysis software as a tool for dealing with reasonable load and restraint, creats the finite element model of 2000 KN hydraulic pressure table, and its calculation and analysis. Analysis of the results in the table on the basis of a number of structural optimization, and from among the best optimization of the programme. At the end  the table that has been taken structural optimization lighten a lot of weight than the original table, saved a lot of material.
   From the results of  use ANSYS to structural analysis , use ANSYS software to analysis the engineering equipment for structural engineering is indeed effective in one of the ways.


Key words:Hydraulic Pressure,Finite Element Analysis,ANSYS , Structural Analysis 



目   录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
  1.1 液压机设计方法发展概况 1
    1.1.1有限元分析方法 2
    1.1.2结构优化理论和应用 3
  1.2  课题的研究现状 3
  1.3  选题的目的和意义 5
  1.4  本课题的主要任务 6
2 2000KN液压机工作台的建模 7
  2.1 概述 7
  2.2  建模步骤 7
    2.2.1外模型的建立 7
    2.2.2内模型的建立 8
    2.2.3工作台模型的建立 12
  2.3  小结 14
3 模型的网格划分及约束和载荷的施加 16
  3.1 网格划分 16
 3.2 约束和载荷的施加 18
4 2000KN液压机工作台的有限元分析 21
4.1正载工况的有限元分析 22
4.2向右偏载工况的有限元分析 26
4.3向后偏载工况的有限元分析 27
4.4小结 29
5 2000KN液压机工作台结构优化设计 31
5.1概述 31
5.2 优化及分析 31
5.3 小结 40
6 总结 41
  6.1 本课题的研究成果 41
6.2 结论及展望 42
致谢 44
参考文献 45