

2030六辊可逆冷轧机辊系设计,摘 要钢铁工业作为国民经济的基础,在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,而轧钢机作为钢铁生产的主要工具,其性能及发展则决定了钢铁工业的先进程度及发展能力。本文以冷轧机的基本理论为基础,结合与中冶赛迪工程技术有限公司的科研项目“六辊可逆冷轧虚拟样机的研究与开发”,主要针对轧钢机辊系的优化设计进行研...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cglina 发布


摘    要

本文主要研究内容:课题的来源及背景;轧钢机的概述;轧钢机的类型;国内外辊轧机的发展概况;轧钢机结构概述;轧机的工作原理;轧机的主要结构特点;轧机的轧辊介绍;轧制力能参数;轧制原理基本知识;轧机压下规程的制订;轧制力能参数计算 ;轧机辊系优化设计及轧辊轴承选型计算;轧机辊系优化设计;设计变量的确定;轧辊轴承的选取。论文中用到了材料力学、理论力学、轧钢机械、轧制原理等知识。





    As national economic base, iron and steel industry plays a very important role in national economy. As far as the production of iron and steel is concerned, the rolling mill is the main tool. Its performance and develop has a decisional significance to the development ability and advancing extent of iron and steel industry. This paper will, based on the basic theory of cold rolling mill, with the combination of a scientific research—“the research and development of a virtual six-roller reversible cold rolling mill”. It is from the project of CISDI and Chongqing University, mainly focused on the optimizing design of rollers of rolling mill.
The main contents: source and background of the subject; general introduction of rolling mill; types of rolling mill; development state of rolling mill home and abroad; general introduction of rolling mill’s structure; working principles; major features of mill’s structure; introduction of rollers; rolling force energy parameters; basic knowledge of rolling principle; rules formulation of mill; calculation of rolling force energy parameters; optimizing design of mill rollers and model calculation of roller bearing; optimizing design of mill roller; determination of design variables; selection of roller bearing. In this paper, it will apply material mechanics, theoretical mechanics, rolling machinery, rolling principles etc.

Key words: rolling mill  roll  six-roll


目   录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
1绪论 1
   1.1 课题的来源、背景及意义 1
1.2轧钢机的概述 3
1.3 轧钢机的类型 4
1.3.1按用途分类 4
1.3.2按构造分类 4
1.3.3按工作机座布置分类 11
1.4 国内外辊轧机的发展概况 12
1.4.1初轧机发展概况 12
1.4.2冷轧宽带钢轧机及生产技术 12
1.4.3钢管轧机的发展状况 13
1.4.4线性轧机的发展概况 13
1.5主要研究内容 13
2轧钢机结构概述 14
2.1轧机的工作原理 14
2.2轧机的主要结构特点 14
2.2.1六辊冷轧机的主要结构特点 14
2.2.2六辊轧机和四辊轧机的特性比较 16
2.3轧机的轧辊介绍 18
2.3.1轧辊的类型、结构和参数 18
2.3.2轧辊的材料 21
3轧制力能参数 22
3.1轧制原理基本知识 22
3.1.1简单轧制过程 22
3.1.2轧制过程变形区 22
3.2轧机压下规程的制订 23
3.2.1压下规程制订的依据 23
3.2.2常用的轧制规程负荷分配方法 23
3.3轧制力能参数计算 23
4 轧机辊系优化设计及轧辊轴承选型计算  30
4.1轧机辊系优化设计 30
4.1.1设计变量的确定 30
4.1.2目标函数的确定 30
4.1.3约束条件的确定 33
4.1.4优化方法的选取 37
4.2轧辊轴承的选取 38
5 结论 42
参考文献 43
致谢 44