
此文档由会员 cglina 发布2030六辊可逆冷轧机轧制线高度调整装置设计(本科毕业论文设计)
Roller Adjusting Device is one of the crictical structures,it directly influences the production and the quality of the rolled pieces that the structure design is good or not.usually. The adjustment to the roller of the rolling mill include radial and axial adjustment in both directions,radial adjustment is indispensable in rolling mill,and the adjustment of rolling line height is an important part of the radial adjustment.
The adjustment of rolling line height of 2030 Six-roller Reverse Cold Mill means ajust the lower roll,In other words,upper pressuring device. After change the roller,because of the changes of the geometric size,made spatial position changes that the roller in stand;while during producing,due to roller wear, the backing plate of hydraulic screwdown device change loose,and so on, will also be the reason that the rolling line position changes.
If the position of Rolling line changes,there will be a great impact on production of steel rolling.In the paper,hydraulic equipment and technology,and the principle of self-locking are used to adjust the rolling line.We can inhibit the slab bending so that the adjustment can be controled more simplily and easily,it provide a guarantee to shorten the time for roll change and ensure that rolling line be in a straight line ,which makes rolling smoothly.Meanwhile,it also could reduce the time of stopping,increase production rate,and achieve high economic benefit.
Key words: Roller adjusting;rolling line,;Lower roll adjustment;Pressure on
目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
1绪论 1
1.1 课题背景、来源及意义 1
1.2 轧钢机概述、类型和发展 2
1.2.1 轧钢机概述 2
1.2.2 轧钢机分类 3
1.2.3 轧钢机发展 4
1.3 六辊轧机 5
1.3.1 六辊轧机简介及说明 5
1.3.1 六辊轧机与四辊轧机的特征比较 8
1.3.1 各种六辊轧机的比较 9
1.4 主要研究内容 10
1.5 小结 10
2 课题研究所涉及的相关知识介绍 11
2.1 轧辊及辊系 11
2.2.1 轧辊简介及分类 11
2.2.2 轧辊的尺寸参数 11
2.2.3 辊系 12
2.2.4 轧辊的重车或重磨 12
2.2 换辊 13
2.3 穿带 15
2.4 轧制基本知识 16
2.5 小结 18
3 轧制线高度对板坯弯曲影响的研究 19
3.1 轧制线高度对板坯弯曲的影响 19
3.2 小结 21
4 轧制线高度调整装置结构的确定 22
4.1 原理介绍 22
4.2 轧制线高度调整装置升程的确定 22
4.3 自锁条件确定调整装置行程和结构 23
4.3.1 自锁 23
4.3.2 确定斜楔块的角度 24
4.3.3 确定调整装置的行程 25
4.3.4 最终结构的确定,画装配图和零件图 26
4.4 小结 26
5 液压系统设计 27
5.1 液压缸设计与计算 27
5.1.1 工作辊、支撑辊和中间辊质量估算 27
5.1.2 活塞杆受力计算 28
5.1.3 液压缸基本参数的确定 29
5.1.4 液压缸的结构计算和校核 31
5.2 液压泵的设计与计算 32
5.2.1 泵压力的选择 32
5.2.2 泵类型的选择 32
5.2.3 泵排量的计算 32
5.3 蓄能器的设计与计算 33
5.3.1 蓄能器流量计算 33
5.3.2蓄能器利用容积 推导 33
5.3.3蓄能器充气压力 的确定 34
5.3.4 蓄能器数目验算 34
5.4 液压系统原理图 35
5.5 小结 36
6 结论 37
致谢 38
参考文献 39