基于b/s企业售后服务管理系统的设计与实现,基于b/s企业售后服务管理系统的设计与实现摘 要随着科技发展和社会进步,尤其是计算机大范围的普及,计算机应用逐渐由大规模科学计算的海量数据处理转向大规模的事务处理和对工作流的管理,这就产生了以台式计算机为核心,以数据库管理系统为开发环境的管理信息系统在大规模的事务处理和对工作流的管理等方面的应用,特别是在企业提高自身竞...

此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布基于B/S企业售后服务管理系统的设计与实现
摘 要
本系统的主要任务是设计开发一个基于ASP技术和SQL Server 2005数据库的企业售后服务管理系统。其主要技术要求包括:掌握基于Web开发所需的各项技术,包括HTML、动态网站编程技术ASP、数据库SQL Server2005知识等。主要实现企业售后服务信息的维护(增加、删除、修改等)操作,可维护的信息包括产品安装、维修、退换、回访、投诉等一系列活动中需要商家积极投入并及时记录的信息。本系统还可以方便厂商对产品和服务的质量进行追踪和管理。
本论文通过软件工程思想对软件进行了详细的需求分析,并先后研究了售后服务系统的现状与意义,设计了售后服务解决方案。文中还简绍了系统的主要业务功能,系统架构,以及数据库和界面的设计与实现,最后对系统的整个流程进行了测试并总结归纳了系统的优缺点,以及可以改进的地方。本系统采用了ASP+SQL Server技术设计了基于ASP平台的售后服务系统,基本完成了各种要求。
关键词:ASP;SQL Server 2005;售后服务管理系统;数据库
Based on B/S enterprise after-sales service management system design and implementation
Along with the science and technology development and social progress, especially computer wide range of popularization, computer application gradually from the large-scale scientific computing mass data processing to mass of transaction processing and the management of workflow, which has made to desktop computers as the core, with database management system for the development environment management information system in the large-scale transaction processing and of workflow management, etc., especially the application of the enterprise to improve their own competitiveness has important effect. A good after-sales service system can directly reflects the overall level of an enterprise, and many enterprises are still stay in old-fashioned artificially after-sales service, with business administration of handling backward, information to deliver a delay, the error ration is high, low efficiency such problems. Based on B/S enterprise after-sales service management system is to establish a platform Dreamweaver8 money for small and medium enterprises service service management system, computer sales for small and medium size enterprises after-sales service information provides a new solution channels.
The system's main task is to design, develop, a based on ASP technology and SQL Server 2005 database of enterprise after-sales service management system. Its main technical requirements include: master based on Web development all the necessary technology, including HTML, dynamic website programming technology ASP, database SQL Server2005 knowledge, etc. Main realization enterprise after-sales service information maintenance (add, delete, modify etc) operation, maintainable information including product installation, repair, replacement and return visit, complaints and so on a series of activities need merchants active in and timely information recorded. This system can also convenient manufacturers in product and service quality, tracking and management.
This paper, by software engineering idea of software in detail the requirement analysis, and successively studies the after-sales service system present situation and the significance, designed the after-sales service solution. The paper also JianShao the system's main business functions, system structure and database and interface design and implementation of the system, finally to the whole process and tested were summarized, and the advantages and disadvantages of the system can be improved place. The system USES ASP + SQL Server technology design based on ASP platform after-sale service system, basic complete various requirements.
Keywords: ASP;SQL Server 2005; After-sales service management system;Database
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究背景与意义 1
1.2 课题发展现状 1
1.3 本课题主要研究内容 2
2 可行性研究与需求分析 4
2.1 系统可行性研究 4
2.1.1 经济可行性 4
2.1.2 技术可行性 5
2.1.3 操作可行性 6
2.2 需求分析 6
3 开发工具介绍 8
3.1 Dreamwear简介 8
3.1.1 最佳的制作效率 8
3.1.2 网站管理 9
3.1.3 无可比拟的控制能力 9
3.2 SQL Server2005简介 9
3.2.1 一体化的特点 10
3.2.2 统一的语法结构,多种使用方式 10
3.2.3 高度非过程化 10
3.2.4语言简洁 10
3.3 B/S简介 11
3.3.1 B/S结构简介 11
3.3.2 B/S结构的优点 11
3.4 Asp简介 12
3.5 IIS 简介 12
4 系统设计 14
4.1 功能设计 14
4.1.1 系统管理员模块 14
4.1.2 工程师登录模块 15
4.1.3 系统主管登录模块 16
4.2 数据库设计 17
5 系统实现 21
5.1 系统主模块 21
5.1.1系统管理员模块 21
5.1.2 工程师模块 22
5.1.2 系统主管模块 22
5.2 登录模块 23
5.2.1 登录模块介绍 23
5.3 系统功能模块 24
5.3.1 客户问题管理模块 24
5.3.2 客户问题分配模块 24
5.3.3 客户信息管理模块 25
5.3.4 服务调查管理模块 26
5.3.5 员工信息管理模块 26
5.3.6 常见问题管理模块 27
5.3.7 系统用户管理模块 28
6 系统测试 29
6.1 新问题的录入 29
6.2问题的分配 30
7 总 结 33
附 录 34
参考文献 51
致 谢 52