基于var的证券投资组合优化模型,基于var的证券投资组合优化模型摘 要var (value at risk)是一个在当前的金融市场条件下,各种不同的风险测量一个确定投资的获利的重要方法。本文在简要介绍了证券投资有关的概念、投资组合风险、var概念及计算方法后,在经典的markowitz均值-方差模型的基础上,加入了var约束,研究了基于var约束的证...
此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布基于VAR的证券投资组合优化模型
摘 要
VAR (Value at Risk)是一个在当前的金融市场条件下,各种不同的风险测量一个确定投资的获利的重要方法。
【关键词】投资组合 VAR 几何算法 树形算法
Portfolio Optimization Model with VaR Constraints
At the present of finance market, VAR is an important method of ensuring investment profits among varies of risk measurements.
This paper, first of all, introduces some concepts about investment of negotiable securities, the risk of investment combination, the concept of VAR and the measures of calculation. On the basis of the classical Markowitz mean-variance model, this paper adds the VAR restrict, researches the optimizing model of combination of negotiable securities investment under the restriction of VAR and analyzes VAR model on the mathematics characteristic on the basis of the model of Markowitz mean-variance. Under a acceptable VAR, by analyzing the mathematics characteristic of VAR model, this paper comes to a conclusion how to confirm the max income of a combination of negotiable securities investment and satisfies the relative conditions of restriction at the same time .Supposed the market condition can be changed, how to acquire a new combination investment under the given condition and the given scope of VAR is discussed.
At the end of this thesis, on the condition of our country’s stock market, premising it doesn’t allow to oversell, six stocks with good outstanding achievement are chosen to do an empirical analyzing. Making use of the tree arithmetic, the study achieves a combination of negotiable securities investment of a fixing anticipate max losing, and on the basis of this, some suggestiones on the development of our country’s stock market are proposed.
Investment combination, VAR, Geometry arithmetic, Tree arithmetic
目 录
1 引言 1
2 证券投资组合的相关概念 2
2.1 证券投资及其属性 2
2.2 组合投资 2
2.3 证券投资组合 2
3 证券投资组合的风险 2
3.1 风险的本质及定义 2
3.2 风险的来源及种类 4
4 证券投资组合优化的必要性及一般思考 6
4.1 现代证券投资组合理论的局限 6
4.2 证券投资组合优化的必要性 8
5 VAR理论的基础及其度量方法 8
5.1 VAR产生的背景 8
5.2 VAR的定义 9
5.3 VAR的三个要素 11
5.4 VAR的计算方法 12
5.4.1 投资组合的VAR度量 12
5.4.2 VAR的三种计算方法 14
6 基于VAR约束的投资组合模型 15
6.1 Markowitz投资组合模型 15
6.2 在VAR约束下的投资组合优化模型 16
6.3 基于VAR约束的投资组合模型的改进 20
6.4 基于沪深两市股票的实证分析 21
6.4.1 样本的选取 21
6.4.2 平均收益率的计算 21
6.4.3 平均收益率的正态分布检验 22
6.4.4 模型的求解算法 23
6.4.5 不允许卖空时的证券组合分析 26
结论 28
参考文献 29
附录 30
致谢 32