

rfid在汽车零部件企业生产线的应用需求分析及应用模式研究(本科毕业论文设计),rfid在汽车零部件企业生产线的应用需求分析及应用模式研究(本科毕业论文设计)摘 要随着我国制造业信息化程度的逐步提高,以及rfid技术的优点及成本的降低,越来越多的企业会认识到rfid技术的重要性,rfid技术将成为企业物流信息化的热点。在生产过程中,如果整套生产线全部采用rfid技术,势必大大提高生产成本。同时随着...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 cglina 发布

摘 要




As the level of China's information industry gradually raise, and the advantages of RFID technology and the cost decrease, more and more enterprises will be aware of the importance of RFID technology, RFID technology will become the enterprise of the hot logistics information. In the production process, if all the entire production line adopt RFID technology, they will greatly increase the cost of production. At the same time, as the market increasingly competite various production companies should do everything possible to produce different types of products, which led to the dramatic increase in the amount of information, if only a bar code system will clearly need to manually scan large amounts of data, such data collection compared Cumbersome and vulnerable to human factors and the impact of mistakes, but also a lot of human scan data, causing unnecessary financial burden.
Based on the integrated RFID at home and abroad in various fields on the basis of the application, and based on the status of Castle Peak Transmission Investigation Branch, respectively, from the application of technology, production quality and production costs on the start of the transmission conduct a detailed study of the production process, that transmission Production of RFID in the course of the needs analysis. In order to reduce the workload of manual processing of information, improve the system fault tolerance, flexibility, the authors measured in RFID technology and bar code technology advantages and disadvantages, the two technologies complement each other, put a bar code and RFID parallel with the use of the technology application mode. Focus on RFID in the production of parts and components manufacturing companies in the process of tracking and management of the quality of applied research, the author of an automobile parts manufacturing enterprises and the machine shop and assembly lines have conducted in-depth research on the RFID radio frequency identification technology and bar code technology Advantages and disadvantages, in terms of cost and technical comparison of the two, and that the RFID in the next few years the trend.

Key words:RFID, Discrete manufacture, Bar code, Gearbox

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