精馏塔毕业设计说明书,摘 要 原油常压蒸馏作为原油加工的一次加工工艺,在原有加工流程中占有举足轻重的作用,其运行的好坏直接影响到整个原有加工的过程。而在蒸馏加工的过程中最重要的分离设备就是常压塔。因此,常压塔的设计好坏对能否获得高收益,搞品质的成品油油着直接的影响。 本次设计的常压塔是原油炼制工艺过程的中期塔设备。设计时要考虑实际要求,遵循...

此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布摘 要
The tower equipment is one kind of common process equipment. In the process industrial production it has an important impact to the production efficiency, the energy use factor, the environmental protection and so on. As the process industry is pivotal to national economy's development function, therefore, we must take seriously the tower equipment's research. broadly speaking, its life cycle contains the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance, and other aspects. Design-led, its advantages and disadvantages, both impact the following process.
The design of the tower is the early-run oil refining process of pre-tower equipment. When design we must consider to request actual, to follow the tower equipment's principle of design, which experience the demand analysis, the goal limits, the gross structure design, the spare part structural design, the parameter design and the design implements these processes. In this unceasing decision-making's process, may supply the appraisal the plan to be more, the appraisal system to be more perfect, determined finally the design proposal is more ideal. The success process equipment design must finally balance three aspect requests .they are product performance, the cost and the environment.
The instruction booklet has reflected the design unit process. The first chapter is the outline, mainly elaborated the design background and the tower elementary knowledge; The second chapter is the basic structure design, has carried on machinery's design and the shaping from the whole and part various links; The third rules to the plan which designs have carried on each kind of load the computation as well as the examination, the examination qualified can prove the design proposal the rationality; The fourth chapter carries on the reinforcement design for the opening which needs the reinforcement; The last chapter explained the main spare part fabrication technology.
Moreover, the CAD drawing of the map is also necessary. The blueprint is also master documents during the manufacture. Drawing must be strict, as far as possible to maintain accuracy. Besides the overall assembly drawing of tower, but also drew up four detail drawings to carry on the supplement to it, caused the expression to be clearer concretely.
Keywords: The tower equipment, life cycle, design, checking, reinforcement, assembly drawing
目 录
前 言 I
摘 要 II
第一章 概 述 1
1.1 塔设备概论 1
1.2常压塔的工作原理及工艺路线 2
1.3常压塔的主要结构 4
第二章 初馏塔基本结构的设计 6
2.1 设计条件 6
2.2 塔高的确定 6
2.3 塔盘选型与设计 9
2.3.1 塔盘型式及设计 9
2.3.2 塔盘的结构设计 11
2.3.3 塔盘板 11
2.3.4 塔盘支撑梁的设计 12
2.3.5 塔盘的紧固件 13
2.4 附件设计 13
2.4.1 人孔 13
2.4.2 接管 13
2.4.3 管法兰 15
2.4.4 吊柱 18
2.4.5 操作平台与梯子 19
2.4.6 保温层 20
2.4.7 裙座 20
第三章 强度和稳定性计算 21
3.1 材料的选择 21
3.1.1 筒体和封头材料的选择 21
3.1.2 裙座材料的选择 21
3.1.3 接管的材料 21
3.2 厚度计算 21
3.2.1 厚度计算过程步骤 21
3.2.2 厚度计算 22
3.3 载荷计算 23
3.3.1 质量载荷 23
3.3.2 塔的自振周期计算 26
3.3.3 地震载荷及地震弯矩计算 26
3.3.4 风载荷和风弯矩计算 30
3.3.5 最大弯矩 33
3.4 校核计算 34
3.4.1 圆筒应力校核 34
3.4.2 裙座计算 35
3.4.3 裙座与塔壳对接焊缝校核 39
第四章 开孔补强 40
4.1 补强的判据 40
4.2 对塔顶气体出口的补强(其内径均为Φ700MM) 42
4.2.1 补强计算方法判别 42
4.2.2 开孔所需补强面积 42
4.2.3 有效补强范围 42
4.2.4 有效补强面积 43
4.2.5 所需另行补强面积 43
4.2.6 补强圈设计 43
4.3 人孔,塔底重油出口(DN600) 44
4.3.1 补强计算方法判别 44
4.3.2 开孔所需补强面积 44
4.3.3 有效补强范围 44
4.3.4 有效补强面积 45
4.3.5 所需另行补强面积 45
4.3.6 补强圈设计 45
4.4 常顶循抽出口,常一中抽出口,常二线返塔口,常二中抽出口(DN350) 46
4.4.1 补强计算方法判别 46
4.4.2 开孔所需补强面积 46
4.4.3 有效补强范围 46
4.4.4 有效补强面积 47
4.4.5 所需另行补强面积 47
4.4.6 补强圈设计 48
4.5常二中返塔口,常顶循返塔口,常一中返塔口(DN300) 48
4.5.1 补强计算方法判别 48
4.5.2 开孔所需补强面积 48
4.5.3 有效补强范围 48
4.5.4 有效补强面积 49
4.5.5 所需另行补强面积 50
4.5.6 补强圈设计 50
4.6常一线返回口,常二线抽出口,常三线抽出口,汽提蒸汽入口,浮球液位计口(DN250) 50
4.6.1 补强计算方法判别 50
4.6.2 开孔所需补强面积 50
4.6.3 有效补强范围 51
4.6.4 有效补强面积 51
4.6.5 所需另行补强面积 52
4.6.6 补强圈设计 52
4.7常一线抽出口,常三线返塔口,安全阀 (DN200) 52
4.7.1 补强计算方法判别 52
4.7.2 开孔所需补强面积 53
4.7.3 有效补强范围 53
4.7.4 有效补强面积 53
4.7.5 所需另行补强面积 54
4.7.6 补强圈设计 54
4.8常顶冷回流入口 (DN150) 54
4.8.1 补强计算方法判别 54
4.8.2 开孔所需补强面积 55
4.8.3 有效补强范围 55
4.8.4 有效补强面积 55
4.8.5 所需另行补强面积 56
4.8.6 补强圈设计 56
4.9减压过汽化油入口,热电偶口,压差液位计口,玻璃板液位计口 (DN100) 57
4.9.1 补强计算方法判别 57
4.9.2 开孔所需补强面积 57
4.9.3 有效补强范围 57
4.9.4 有效补强面积 58
4.9.5 所需另行补强面积 58
4.9.6 补强圈设计 58
第五章 主要零部件的制造工艺 60
5.1 筒体制造 60
1 原材料准备 60
5.2 封头 61
5.3 塔设备的制造 61
5.4 塔体及塔盘的制造技术条件的规定 62
论文缩写 63
设计小结 65
致 谢 66
参考文献 67