

客户关系管理教学平台论文,摘 要随着21世纪互联网的兴起,网络就开始在慢慢的影响这这个时代人的学习、生活以及各个方面。网络教学也随之兴起,并在web2.0时代得到了迅速发展。网络教学平台的出现极大的弥补了传统教学的一个空缺,由于传统教学都是老师讲,学生记的填鸭式教学,对学生的主动性没有得到很好的培养。而在web2.0时代,网络教学平台刚好填补了...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 csfujixie 发布

摘 要

关键字:JavaBeans;JSP; 客户关系; 教学平台


As the development of the Internet in 21 century, the network is slowly changing the study way and life of people and almost every corner. Network Teaching is developing as the Internet, and move fast in Web 2.0. Network Teaching platform take the place of the hole of traditional Teaching Method. In traditional Teaching Method, teacher give the knowledge out and students just get it. That's lead to a lack of go-aheadism(主动性). But in Web 2.0, Network Teaching platform supply the gap of traditional teaching method. It gives students a brand new field to fetch the resources of learning, which closely correspond with the step of teacher, and enhance the efficiency of learning. In addition, we can make analysis of the hard point and let more students access it, in order to make a high progress. This makes a new definition to teacher's work. Not only does teacher do presentation in class, but also can distribute the teaching resources and make comments through this platform. The importance of this platform is make a dummy communication platform for teachers and students, as students and teachers do not have so much time to stay together, but they all can talk about more things in this dummy community.
So that’s why I develop this platform, I use JSP and JavaBean and some popular technique to realize this Network Teaching platform.
Key Words: JavaBeans; JSP; web program; Online Teching Platform