摆线包络行星传动实验研究(本科毕业论文设计),摘 要课题来源于国家科技支撑计划。精密传动是以高精度传递运动为主要目的的一类机械传动形式,是制造装备业和国防工业极其重要的基础件。实验研究是评价齿轮传动性能的基本手段与方法,开展摆线包络行星传动效率、温升、传动精度等实验研究,对于获取其性能的基础数据、奠定工程应用的基础具有重...

此文档由会员 cglina 发布
摘 要
① 介绍了摆线针轮行星传动的基本结构、特点和原理,讨论了摆线形成的包络法、齿廓曲线方程及摆线针轮行星传动的正确啮合条件等问题。
② 分析研究了常用的齿轮试验设备及加载装置的类型和特点,并讨论了试验设备应遵循的设计原则。
③ 针对摆线针轮减速器进行了实验研究,包括实验台改装、实验工装设计制造等,并完成了测试系统总体方案及总体结构的设计。
④ 依据实验原理,拟定相应的实验方案,参与完成摆线针轮减速器样机的传动效率、温升、传动精度、回差等试验,并完成相应的实验工装图。
The project originates from the National Science and Technology Supporting program. Precision transmission is an important basic component in manufacturing and equipment industry,national defense industry.
Experimental study was to eva luate the performance of basic gear transmission means and methods. Carry out experimental study of planetary transmission efficiency, temperature rise, driving accuracy, and so on; for access to the basis of their performance data, laying the foundation for application is of great significance.Thesis around the cycloid planetary transmission of theoretical analysis, transmission and other experimental system to study the issue, initially introduced the cycloid planetary transmission of basic theory and experimental methods.
Major contents of the thesis as follows:
① Introduce the cycloid planetary transmission of the basic structure, characteristics and movement principle, discuss the formation of cycloid envelope method, tooth profile curve equation and cycloid planetary transmission to the correct mating conditions, and other issues.
② Analysised the type and characteristics of a number of commonly used test equipment and gear loaded devices, and discussed the test equipment design principles to be followed.
③ For the experimental study against the Cycloid Planetary reducer, Including the test-bed conversion, such as design and manufacture of tooling, completed the testing system and the overall structure of the overall programme design .
④ Based on the principle of the experiment, prepared the corresponding experimental programme, Participate and completed the Cycloid Planetary reducer prototype of the transmission efficiency, temperature rise, driving accuracy, back to poor test, and complete the corresponding experimental tooling plans.
Keywords: Planetary Transmission, Cycloid Envelope, Laboratory Research,
Performance Test, Experiment Equipment
摘 要 I
1绪论 1
1.1课题来源以及研究的意义 1
1.2国内外精密传动的研究现状 1
1.3摆线针轮行星传动简介 4
1.3.1概述 4
1.3.2 摆线针轮行星减速器的结构 5
1.4齿轮传动的实验研究 6
1.4.1齿轮的试验技术及设备 6
1.4.2 常见齿轮传动性能试验 6
1.5论文的主要内容及总体结构 7
1.5.1论文的主要内容 7
1.5.2 论文的总体结构 7
2摆线包络行星传动的基础理论 8
2.1摆线轮齿廓曲线方程的包络法推导 8
2.1.1坐标系的建立 8
2.1.2啮合方程 9
2.1.3行星轮的齿廓方程 10
2.1.4短幅摆线形成的包络法 12
2.2一次包络摆线轮行星传动的正确啮合条件 13
2.3普通摆线针轮行星传动的主要构件的工作图 14
3齿轮的试验设备及技术 15
3.1几种典型的齿轮试验设备 15
3.1.1脉动加载的轮齿弯曲疲劳试验设备 15
3.1.2功率流开放式齿轮运转试验设备 16
3.1.3机械功率流封闭式齿轮运转试验设备 16
3.1.4电功率流封闭式齿轮运转试验设备 17
3.2加载装置 18
3.3试验设备的设计 18
3.3.1总的设计要求 18
3.3.2电动机的选择 19
3.3.3弹性扭力轴 20
4传动测试系统的设计 21
4.1减速器性能测试的目的及意义 21
4.2传动测试系统的总体结构 22
4.2.1传动效率测试系统 22
4.2.2传动精度测试系统 23
4.2.3回差测试系统 24
4.3传动测试系统的工作原理 25
4.4测试方案的设计原则 26
5摆线针轮行星传动的实验研究 27
5.1引言 27
5.2摆线针轮行星传动效率测试实验台的组成 27
5.2.1实验原理 27
5.2.2 JC型转矩转速传感器的基本原理 28
5.3摆线针轮行星传动效率实验规程 29
5.3.1空载跑合 30
5.3.2空载功率损失实验 30
5.3.3小负载运转实验 30
5.3.4定速变载传动效率的测试 30
5.3.5温升实验 31
5.3.6过载实验 31
5.4摆线针轮行星传动精度测试实验 32
5.4.1实验原理 32
5.4.2主要仪器及参数 34
5.5摆线针轮行星传动回差测试实验 34
5.5.1实验目的 34
5.5.2实验装置的研制 34
5.5.3实验原理 34
5.5.4回差测试 35
5.5.5锁紧装置及联接法兰盘设计 35
6结论与展望 38
致 谢 40
参考文献 41
附 录 43
摘 要
① 介绍了摆线针轮行星传动的基本结构、特点和原理,讨论了摆线形成的包络法、齿廓曲线方程及摆线针轮行星传动的正确啮合条件等问题。
② 分析研究了常用的齿轮试验设备及加载装置的类型和特点,并讨论了试验设备应遵循的设计原则。
③ 针对摆线针轮减速器进行了实验研究,包括实验台改装、实验工装设计制造等,并完成了测试系统总体方案及总体结构的设计。
④ 依据实验原理,拟定相应的实验方案,参与完成摆线针轮减速器样机的传动效率、温升、传动精度、回差等试验,并完成相应的实验工装图。
The project originates from the National Science and Technology Supporting program. Precision transmission is an important basic component in manufacturing and equipment industry,national defense industry.
Experimental study was to eva luate the performance of basic gear transmission means and methods. Carry out experimental study of planetary transmission efficiency, temperature rise, driving accuracy, and so on; for access to the basis of their performance data, laying the foundation for application is of great significance.Thesis around the cycloid planetary transmission of theoretical analysis, transmission and other experimental system to study the issue, initially introduced the cycloid planetary transmission of basic theory and experimental methods.
Major contents of the thesis as follows:
① Introduce the cycloid planetary transmission of the basic structure, characteristics and movement principle, discuss the formation of cycloid envelope method, tooth profile curve equation and cycloid planetary transmission to the correct mating conditions, and other issues.
② Analysised the type and characteristics of a number of commonly used test equipment and gear loaded devices, and discussed the test equipment design principles to be followed.
③ For the experimental study against the Cycloid Planetary reducer, Including the test-bed conversion, such as design and manufacture of tooling, completed the testing system and the overall structure of the overall programme design .
④ Based on the principle of the experiment, prepared the corresponding experimental programme, Participate and completed the Cycloid Planetary reducer prototype of the transmission efficiency, temperature rise, driving accuracy, back to poor test, and complete the corresponding experimental tooling plans.
Keywords: Planetary Transmission, Cycloid Envelope, Laboratory Research,
Performance Test, Experiment Equipment
摘 要 I
1绪论 1
1.1课题来源以及研究的意义 1
1.2国内外精密传动的研究现状 1
1.3摆线针轮行星传动简介 4
1.3.1概述 4
1.3.2 摆线针轮行星减速器的结构 5
1.4齿轮传动的实验研究 6
1.4.1齿轮的试验技术及设备 6
1.4.2 常见齿轮传动性能试验 6
1.5论文的主要内容及总体结构 7
1.5.1论文的主要内容 7
1.5.2 论文的总体结构 7
2摆线包络行星传动的基础理论 8
2.1摆线轮齿廓曲线方程的包络法推导 8
2.1.1坐标系的建立 8
2.1.2啮合方程 9
2.1.3行星轮的齿廓方程 10
2.1.4短幅摆线形成的包络法 12
2.2一次包络摆线轮行星传动的正确啮合条件 13
2.3普通摆线针轮行星传动的主要构件的工作图 14
3齿轮的试验设备及技术 15
3.1几种典型的齿轮试验设备 15
3.1.1脉动加载的轮齿弯曲疲劳试验设备 15
3.1.2功率流开放式齿轮运转试验设备 16
3.1.3机械功率流封闭式齿轮运转试验设备 16
3.1.4电功率流封闭式齿轮运转试验设备 17
3.2加载装置 18
3.3试验设备的设计 18
3.3.1总的设计要求 18
3.3.2电动机的选择 19
3.3.3弹性扭力轴 20
4传动测试系统的设计 21
4.1减速器性能测试的目的及意义 21
4.2传动测试系统的总体结构 22
4.2.1传动效率测试系统 22
4.2.2传动精度测试系统 23
4.2.3回差测试系统 24
4.3传动测试系统的工作原理 25
4.4测试方案的设计原则 26
5摆线针轮行星传动的实验研究 27
5.1引言 27
5.2摆线针轮行星传动效率测试实验台的组成 27
5.2.1实验原理 27
5.2.2 JC型转矩转速传感器的基本原理 28
5.3摆线针轮行星传动效率实验规程 29
5.3.1空载跑合 30
5.3.2空载功率损失实验 30
5.3.3小负载运转实验 30
5.3.4定速变载传动效率的测试 30
5.3.5温升实验 31
5.3.6过载实验 31
5.4摆线针轮行星传动精度测试实验 32
5.4.1实验原理 32
5.4.2主要仪器及参数 34
5.5摆线针轮行星传动回差测试实验 34
5.5.1实验目的 34
5.5.2实验装置的研制 34
5.5.3实验原理 34
5.5.4回差测试 35
5.5.5锁紧装置及联接法兰盘设计 35
6结论与展望 38
致 谢 40
参考文献 41
附 录 43